Page 233 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 233

Non-invasive Collection of Saliva Helps         Monitoring and Understanding Astronaut
               Monitor Stress Levels in Real Time              Immune Systems in Spaceflight
               Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA                   Author: ESA
               PI: Aldo Roda                                   PI: Oliver Ullrich
               Cold Plasmas Assist in Wound Healing            Space Station Immunology Insights
               Author: ESA                                     for Earth and Space
               PI: Dr. Hubertus M. Thomas                      Author: Jessica Nimon, NASA
               Understanding Asthma from Space                 PI: Millie Hughes-Fulford
               Author: ESA                                     Targeted Treatments Improve Immune Response
               PIs: Lars Karlsson and Lars Gustafsson          Author: ESA
                                                               PIs: M. Maccarrone and N. Battista
               Bringing Space Station Ultrasound
               to the Ends of the Earth                        Getting to the Bottom of Humans’
               Author: Mark Wolverton, NASA                    Greatest Infection: Periodontal Disease
               PI: Scott Dulchavsky                            Author: JAXA
               Giving Voice to People with Disabilities        PI: Yasumitsu Sakamoto
               Author: ESA                                     Improving Treatments with Tiny Crystals
               PI: LusoSpace                                   Author: Melissa Gaskill, NASA
               Preventing Bone Loss in Spaceflight             PI: Paul Reichert
               with Prophylactic use of Bisphosphonate:        Using Ultrasound to Zap Kidney Stones
               Health Promotion of the Elderly by Space        and Other Health Problems in Space
               Medicine Technologies                           Author: Jenny Howard
               Author: JAXA                                    PI: Michael Bailey
               PIs: Adrian Leblanc and Toshio Matsumoto        Cancer-targeted Treatments from
               Improved Scanning Technologies and Insights     Space Station Discoveries
               into Osteoporosis                               Author: Laura Niles, NASA
               Author: ESA                                     PI: Dennis Morrison
               PI: Christian Alexandre                         Using Weightlessness to Treat Multiple Ailments
               Add salt? Astronauts’ bones say please don’t.   Authors: I. B. Kozlovskaya and E. S. Tomilovskaya
               Author: ESA                                     PI: E. S. Tomilovskaya (Institute of Biomedical Problems
               PI: Petra Frings-Meuthen                        of the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS],
                                                               Moscow, Russia)
               Interdisciplinary Approach to Human Health:
               Preventing Bone Loss in Space Helps Health      Microbiology Applications from Fungal Research
               Promotion of the Elderly on Earth               in Space
               Author: JAXA                                    Author: ESA
               PIs: Satoru Takahashi and Takashi Shiga         PIs: D. Hasegan, G. Mogildea, and E. Chatzitheodoridis
               Tackling Immune System Dysfunction—             Experiments with Higher Plants on the Russian
               from Multiple Angles                            Segment of the International Space Station
               Author: Jenny Howard                            Authors: V. N. Sychev, M. A. Levinskikh, and
               PIs: Millie Hughes-Fulford, Clarence F. Sams,    I. G. Podolsky
               Hiroshi Ohno, and Hernan Lorenzi                PIs: V. N. Sychev (Institute of Biomedical Problems of
               Early Detection of Immune Changes               the Russian Academy of Sciences [IBMP RAS], Moscow,
               Prevents Painful Shingles in Astronauts         Russia) and G. E. Bingham (Utah State University, Space
               and in Earthbound Patients                      Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, Utah, USA)
               Authors: Satish K. Mehta, Duane L. Pierson,     Plant Growth on the International Space Station
               and C. Mark Ott, NASA                           has Global Impacts on Earth
               PIs: Satish K. Mehta, Duane L. Pierson,         Author: Tara Ruttley, NASA
               and C. Mark Ott, NASA                           PI: Weijia Zhou

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