Page 67 - June 2021
P. 67

Class: VII
       Subject: Sanskrit
       Date: 21  June 2021
       Activity: कण्ठस्थी करणम
       This activity was conducted for the students on the topic सभाचििानाम कण्ठस्थी
       करणम to learn कण्ठस्थी करणम

       Class: V

       Subject: Mathematics
       Topic: Large Numbers
       Date: 28  June 2021
       Activity: Chart making
       A Creative activity was conducted for the students to reinforce the concept of

       nine digit numbers. Students were asked to prepare the charts of population of
       five countries and to write them in words, ascending order and expanded form.
       They were also asked to write which country had more population and about the
       disadvantages  of  having  more  population.  Children  participated  with
       enthusiasm and presented very attractive charts.
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