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Case Management Certification
Classes Start October 12, 2020
We are pleased to announce that the North Carolina Community Ac on Associa on, in partnership with Southern University, is
offering a Case Management Cer fica on!
Embedded in each of the eight web‐based modules are assignments designed to encourage cri cal reflec on and
skill applica on. Par cipants will complete one module per week, with the web‐based pla orm allowing them to
work at their own pace.
At the comple on of the course, par cipants should
MODULES INCLUDE be able to demonstrate increased knowledge of the‐
ories and concepts related to case management, as
Module 1: History and Founda ons of well as demonstrate increased competence in work‐
Prac ce ing with families in need.
Module 2: Working with Families in Comple on Requirements include:
Successful comple on of the course content
Module 3: An Empowerment Based Ap‐
proach to Engagement
Passing grade of at least 75% on course assess‐
Module 4: ROMA as a Framework for ments
Case Management
A er successful comple on and grading of all mod‐
Module 5: Conduc ng Family Level ules, and verifica on from Southern University that
Needs Assessment payment has been received, a cer ficate with CEUs
will be awarded. Par cipants will receive .1 CEU for
Module 6: Repor ng and Evalua ng Our each module. Total CEUs for the Case Management
Cer fica on will equate to .8 CEU.
Module 7: Safety First
Module 8: Naviga ng Conflict and the
Importance of Self Care