Page 18 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens SUMMER-JUNE EDITION 2022
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                                                                 WELCOME, NEW LIONS

                                                            THANK YOU, SPONSORS!

                                           Photos by Lion Shirley Maddox, E-News Reporter


                                               258 NEW MEMBERS!
         Keynote Address by PDG Stano

    PDG Pauline C. Francis, GMT Coordinator, served as facilitator and called the virtual World-Wide
    Induction Ceremony to order.      In his invocation, Lion Chaplain Ronald Greene prayed that our
    political leaders, like our Lion leaders will be blessed to promote and advance peace across the nations
    of the world.

    Dignitaries included the guest speaker, PDG Edward Stano (MD20 GMT Coordinator), DG Anthony
    Cochran, PCCs Gloria Askew and Deborah Harrison,12 PDGs, 4 GAT Coordinators, Cabinet Officers,
    Lions and Leos representing 40 clubs and 2 Leo clubs.

    PDG Stano emphasized that every new or seasoned Lion is an important part of the Global Membership
    Team.   Our primary objective is “humanitarian service to the community, nation and the world,
    regardless of political affiliation”. He encouraged new Lions to continuously inquire and explore all
    aspects of Lionism, starting with the scores of Lionism - related acronyms. He cited The Lions Learning
    Center as a convenient online center for learning about Lionism and The Lion’s Prayer as a model of
    service to   community and the world. “Wear your pin and vest proudly as you serve,” he motivated
    the new Lions.

    He then commended DG Anthony Cochran for his exceptional leadership and praised District 20-K1 for
    its legacy of consistent membership growth, outstanding service accomplishments and wonderful
    fellowship.  In conclusion, he extended best wishes to PDG Ozzie Torres, the District endorsed
    candidate for International Director.

    MEMBERSHIP “IN A NUTSHELL” (presented by selected GMT committee members)
           *      Adherence to Lion’s Code of Ethics and willingness to serve others.
           *      Members continue to engage in service when they are satisfied that their input is
           *      Meetings are organized, respectful of time, productive and promote opportunities for
           fellowship and fun.
           *      Sponsors and / or trained, experienced Lions volunteer to mentor newer Lions, helping
                  to develop personal leadership and service goals through open communication and
                  positive feed-back
           *      Communication is clear and interpersonal relationships are encouraged and supported
           in the club with networking across the district.
    Reported by, Lion Annette A. Hinkson-Smith
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