Page 20 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens SUMMER-JUNE EDITION 2022
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At the second virtual WorldWide Induction Day Ceremony, DG Anthony
Cochran brought greetings from IP Douglas X. Alexander who recommends
that Lions “Serve from the Heart.” Linking his theme, “Growth Through
Service, Teaming Together”, he congratulated the inductees on their decision
to become a Lion. “You are an important asset to this great humanitarian
organization that dates back to 1917, bearing a remarkable tradition and
history as the global leader in service to the less fortunate!”
At the appropriate time, like Lions across the globe, the Induction Ceremony PDG Pauline, GMT Coordinator hosts the
was performed. Newly inducted Lions pledged to uphold the Constitution event.
and By Laws of their home club, MD20 and Lions Clubs International. They
further pledged to actively serve where needed, attend meetings, build and
support their club while practicing The Lion’s Code of Ethics.
DG Anthony proudly welcomed three new traditional clubs and one branch
club, then announced the following commendations:
Certificates of Appreciation for sponsoring new clubs: Lions Mildred
Ramirez, Reynel Romain, Patricia Mahecha, Dimple Willabus
Certificates of Appreciation for passionate membership, leadership and PDG Veronica prays the benediction
community service: Lions Tracy Jones-Walker, Mirle Gillard, Mildred
Ramirez, Stephanie Simeon, Jennifer Seymour-Wright, Yalin Weng, Sheila
Greene, Arlene Punnett, Haydee Llanos, David Kwang
Certificates of Recognition. New Voices Initiative (promoting youth and
gender parity): Lions Collene Questelles, Ty”East Alleyne-Bobb
GAT Certificates of Recognition for Service, Leadership and
Membership: Lions Leo Wang, Bernadette Hokai, Patricia Muir, Yvette
Jackson, Sharon Shields, Ty’East Alleyne - Bobb, Julian Embrack, Rosina
Majors, Iris Allen
Special Global Service Team Chairperson’s Award / Medal for FVDG Ingrid introduces the dignitaries
outstanding service: Lion Norma Blaize
District 20-K1 applauds Leo David Farquhar, saxophonist, for his stellar
performance of Cannonball Adderley’s “Work Song”. This talented Leo
leader is also the winner of the PDG Association’s Leo essay writing contest,
Reported by, Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith
Photos by Lion Shirley Maddox
SVDG Antonio presents the clubs
Leo David Farquhar, saxophonist
Special GAT medal for Lion Norma Blaize