Page 13 - Enews November 2019 edition_Neat
P. 13

The Kings & Queens

                                        LIONS ROAR FOR HEALTH

                                        VISION: DO you see what I see?

                                   Lion Maureen Cort - Blackson,   Special thanks to Lion Bill Crumpe
                                   coordinator, contacted the princi-  and PID Douglas Alexander of Bed-
                                   pals of four schools and sched-  Stuy Lions Club!
          VISION SCREENING         uled the appointments.  Lion   Respectfully submitted by:
                                   President Eleanor Smith and
             CONTINUES IN          Lions Sherilan Braithwaite
               BROOKLYN            (Brooklyn Metropolis), with   Lions Paula Spann, Nicole Jones
                                   Lion Bill Crumpe (Bed Stuy   Follins & Maureen Cort-Blackson
          “October is “Vision Month”   Lions Club) screened a total of   Brooklyn Metropolis Lions Club, Inc.
                                   12 children. Three more schools
         when Brooklyn Metropolis Lions
         Club, Inc. collaborated with Bed   will be completed shortly.  Our
         Stuy and Stuy Park Lions Clubs   goal is to screen at least 60 chil-
         to screen children –ages 6   dren.
         months to 12 years from five Day
         Care Centers and schools across   We appreciate the support of the
         Brooklyn.                 principals and staff of the 2
                                   schools completed so far and we
                                   look forward to transforming the
          Project KidSight is a free
         screening program that uses a   lives of children in our commu-
                                   nity. “Small acts of service con-
         digital video camera to take a
         picture of the child’s eyes and a   ducted in over a few hours will
                                   make a big difference in the lives
         report is immediately printed.
         The procedure is quick and com-  of children in the Brooklyn Com-
         pletely non-invasive.
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