Page 16 - Enews November 2019 edition_Neat
P. 16

The Kings & Queens


                  DISTRICT 20-K1
                    FALLS FOR
                READING ACTION

           The Reading Action Program is a 10-year
           commitment to increasing reading and
           literacy rates.  It is a call to action for eve-
           ry Lions club around the world to organize
           service projects and activities that reco-
           gnize the importance of reading and ad-
           dress specific needs related to illiteracy   DG Debbie  explores the child’s world of fiction
           within their own community (Lions Club   and non-fiction literature
           International, 2019).                                                   Thank you, Lion Dr. Paulett Kenwood

           Our economy is enhanced when learners
           have higher literacy levels.   Effective
           literacy skills open the doors to
           more educational and employment oppor-
           tunities so that people are able to pull
           themselves out of poverty and chronic                             Kamaya enjoying
           under- employment (Huffaker, 2015).                               the magic of a
                                                                             picture book.
           Reading Action Program Ideas and
           Resources                                                         (below)

              Serve as a volunteer reader

              Promote Braille Literacy
                                           Literacy fair followed by food and
              Provide support for your local   fun.                                       Lion TyEast, Central Brooklyn and
                                                                                           Author Julieann T. Randall
              Help build a classroom for
               underserved children
              Organize a book drive
               LCI Resources

              “Call to Action” Flyer
              Project Idea Sheet

              Planning Guide
                                     Lion Mark DeVarel, President of Crown Height (sec.   Lion Steve (Crown Heights) looking at the display of
              My LCI                left) with ZC Emerson and Lion Nicole of Metropolis
                                     and ZC Jennifer of Crown Heights.
              Art Work
           Submitted by:
           Lion Dr. Paulett Kenwood
           RAP Chair MD20
           District 20-K1 RAP

                                                              Metropolis members choose a book   Three generations of book readers
                                                              to read to a child.
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