Page 50 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 50
CLUBS Vol IX – No: 1
off to a Roaring Start
The members of Brooklyn Transition Lions Club (BTLC) began the 2021-
2022 Lionistic year by engaging in a series of activities aimed at
enhancing their club and strengthening relationships with other Lions in
District 20-K1 and their local, national and international community.
Under the leadership of incoming President, Lion Maxine Norton, BTLC
boosted its membership by nine, the largest number of new recruits in
its eleven-year history! Members participated in training offered
through the Lions University. Membership Chairperson, Lion Valcia,
Secretary/Treasurer, Lion Tracy Jones-Walker, Lion Leroy F. Gaskins
(MJF) and Lion Brenda Cox completed the Bachelor’s Degree program.
Lion Pamela Taylor and Lion King-Clarke received Certificates of
Participation from the Globally United Celebrations of Service.
Lions Jones-Walker, King-Clarke and Victor Jordan attended the gala
held in honor of our esteemed International President, Douglas X
Alexander. They also attended his “Grill and Chill with District 20-K1
dignitaries , DG Lion Anthony Cochran, VDG Lion Ingrid Andrews-
Campbell and other guests. The International President posed for
photos with the BTLC Lions as they proudly displayed their gifts of a
special pen, silk scarf and blue banner with the gold fringe.
The guests were mesmerized when President Doug, Lion King-Clarke
and other Lions began a hop dance routine with “their right foot in, …
then their right foot out, … then they shook it all about!” But wait! It didn’t
look like the Hokey Pokey when they turned themselves around but
rather a sprightly performance of Jerusalema!
At the District’s Family Fun Day, it was HOT! HOT! HOT! But that did not
deter our club’s President, Lion Norton and her “Pride” of twenty-one
Lions, including Lions Cresta Mentor, Christine Mentor, Arlington
Gooding, Pamela Taylor, Shirley Paul, Ingrid Barton-Alder, Noel
Dickson, Valcia King-Clarke, Tracy Jones-Walker and their families.
They showed up wearing matching t-shirts and bearing a large quantity
of school supplies to be gifted to the Leos’ Project. Additionally, Lion
Taylor donated school supplies to F.A.C.T. an Oklahoma-based
organization and to D J Keilo. She also presented $500 to be shared
among four families.
BTLC also participated in America’s Night Out Against Crime by joining
forces with hundreds of Law Enforcement, Clergy and fellow community
members. Lion Cox served with the 69 Precinct Clergy Council in
Canarsie and Lions King-Clarke and Gaskin (MJF) assisted District
Diabetes Chairperson, Lion Mildred Ramirez at the 110 Precinct
Community Council in Queens. Both Councils act as liaison between the
community and the police.
Submitted by,
Lion Brenda Cox