Page 48 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 48
CLUBS Vol IX – No: 1
BROOKLYN EAST NEW YORK Membership Grows in
Installation & Awards Ceremony QUEENS COMMUNITY LIONS CLUB
On July 18, 2021, at Jehu’s Table in Brooklyn, District On July 30th, 2021 at Code Ross in Queens, seven (7)
Governor Anthony B. Cochran conducted the required
ceremony to install the club officers who will serve as new members were inducted into the Queens
club leaders during this Lionistic Year. Community Lions Club by District Governor Anthony
Cochran! Dignitaries included PCC Deborah Harrison
PCC/PDG Deborah Harrison presented the newly
installed President, Lion Enola Bernard with The and Assemblywoman Jennifer Rajkumar who
Robert Uplinger Award for dedicated service to the presented a citation to the club President.
East New York Community. Immediate Past President,
Lion Isa Hamilton received an award for reporting club In his remarks, Region Chair Indarjeet Paul, the
service projects on time. and she presented a special returning club President, thanked the assemblywoman
gift to District Governor Anthony B. Cochran. It was a for the recognition , the distinguished invitees and all
blue and gold African dashiki and matching fila(cap). guests for their participation. To his members, he
Blue represents peace and love. Gold represents
wealth and fertility. stressed the importance of steady membership growth
in accordance with LCI’s Global Membership Approach
Congratulations on a successful year. (formerly NAMI - North American Membership
Good Luck and Best Wishes for year 2021-2022.
Reported by, Submitted by ,
Lion Shirley Maddox RC Indarjeet Paul
Kings and Queens E-News
Brooklyn Reporter
Lion President
DG Anthony Indrajeet Paul is
shows off his installed by DG
gifts while IPP Cochran
Isa Hamilton and
President Enola
Bernard looks on
DG Anthony
installs new
members while
PCC Deborah
L to R IPP Isa
President Enola Queens
Bernard with Community
PCC Deborah Lions Club
Harrison photo with
seated in the