Page 44 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 44
CLUBS Vol IX – No: 1
Served Safely
Shared their Stories
(2020-2021 Round-Up)
Because of the pandemic restrictions,
Stuy Park Lions were unable to serve
in-person at Brooklyn Gardens
Rehabilitation Center or Concord
Rehabilitation Center. But they
delivered 1,200 holiday greeting cards Congressman Jeffries checks out the
with a small gift for each resident to range of supplies
Congressman Jeffries cuts the ribbon,
Principal Scarborough-Gates looks on celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas,
Easter, Valentine’s Day and Mother
Day. (see photos).
The manager, Mr. Anthony Maltese
(see photo) made sure that the cards
were lovingly presented with breakfast
or on the lunch tray. It was our way of
making each of them feel special.
The Photo Gallery below shows The
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, when
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
officially opened the School Supplies
Lions Annette Hossack, Sharon Elcock, Lena Pantry at P.S. 5K, The Ronald E.
Scarborough-Gates, Congressman Jeffries, McNair Elementary School, (Lion Lena
Lions Tina Watkins, Leonette Jones & Yvette Gates - Scarborough, Principal). This
Jackson project will serve the elementary
school students in the Bedford Lions Sharon Shields, Rachelle Easie
Stuyvesant community. (see gallery & Anthony Maltese deliver cards
with Lions and Leos in attendance)
During “National Nursing Home Week”,
the 2021 theme “Together For The
Seasons” saluted all caregivers for
their commitment to providing shilled
and compassionate nursing care
during the pandemic. The club
presented a commemorative plaque to
Lions and Leos celebrate honor the diligence of these selfless
caregivers. Photo shows Mr. Maltese,
******A NOTE OF APOLOGY******* Director of Therapeutic Recreation and
The editor regrets that, because of an Mr. Dujan who accepted the plaque on
oversight, this article was not behalf of the staff.
published in the last edition, although it Reported by, Lions Arlene Punnett, Alma Roundtree &
was submitted on time. Lion Sharon Shields Rachelle Easie deliver greeting cards
I am sorry for any inconvenience
caused to the club members.
Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith, Editor