Page 42 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 42

Vol IX – No: 1

            District 20-K1 Happenings

                                       DISTRICT 20-K1 T.E.A.L COMMITTEE

                                 September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and TEAL is the color
                                 that symbolizes Ovarian Cancer.

                                 On September 8, Lion Eileen Freeman, ( Brooklyn Midwood Lions Club, and
                                 Chairperson of District 20-K1 T.E.A.L Committee), partnered with the T.E.A.L
                                 Organization and a group of 13 Lions from various clubs. They tied teal colored
                                 ribbons around trees along Fifth Avenue in Park Slope and distributed
                                 informational posters to be displayed in the show windows of business places.
                                 Their goal is to raise awareness in the community and to “Tell Every Amazing
                                 Lady” about Ovarian Cancer. It is important for women to know that Ovarian
                                 Cancer is a disease that can strike without warning or cause. THERE IS NO
                                 NOT TEST FOR OVARIAN CANCER.
                                 Channel 12 News was present to capture the Lions “Serving from The Heart”.
                                 This service project was broadcast on said TV Station throughout the evening.
                                 Lion Eileen sincerely thanks the Lions for supporting the T.E.A.L Organization.
                                 Special kudos to Lions Patricia Muir, Aurea Gonzalez, Helen Dlezeuski and Isa
                                 Hamilton ( East New York Lions Club),  Lions Yolande Cadore and Jennifer
   Lion Doreen ties a ribbon around the  Parsons ( Brooklyn Crown Heights Lions Club), Lions Rosalind Gomes and
   old oak tree                  Delmira Henry (Brooklyn Midwood Lions Club) and Lions Pamela Taylor, Faye
                                 Carter, Doreen Thomas and Joycelyn Matheson (Central Brooklyn Lions Club)

                                  Submitted by,
                                 Lion Yolande Cadore,
                                 District 20-K1 E-News Reporter

   Lion Eileen (Chairperson) with Lion
   Rosalind ties a ribbon around the old oak

                                             Lion Faye with Lion Yolande (District   Ms. Pamela Esposito-Amery
                                             Reporter) handing our T.E.A.L     (CEO of T.E.A.L) with Lion Jennifer
                                             materials                         tying a ribbon around a tree
      Job Well Done….as seen on TV ….. News12
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