Page 39 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 39

District 20-K1 Happenings                                                          Vol IX – No: 1

                                    Lions Who Serve Together and Play Together,
                                    Grow Together and Stay Together

      Our 16 annual Family and Friends Fun  Let’s give a round of applause and a special
      Day Picnic was held at Jehu’s Table in  “Thank You!” to Chairperson Lion Matzi Vido,
      Brooklyn.  An opening blessing was  Co-Chairperson Lion Sharon Elcock and their
      given by Lion Prince Felix and District  committee for planning a spectacular fun day
      Governor Anthony Cochran welcomed  for our Lions, Leos and guests.    DG Anthony B. Cochran as he  stands “tall
      all participants and wished everyone a                                and proud” with officers from his home club
      fun filled day. The festivities started at  This celebration also marked the first public  (left to right) Lions William Crumpe, Jr.
      the grill station with the hamburgers  appearance of District Governor Anthony B.  Prince Felix, DG Anthony B. Cochran, DG,
      and hot dogs. A wide variety of delicious  Cochran! In commemorative photo below, he  Douglas X. Alexander IP, William H. Williams,
      lunch foods, was served. We enjoyed a  stands“ tall and proud” with officers from his  and Ormond Brathwaite
      choice of rice and peas or yellow rice,  home club (left to right) Lions William
      mac and cheese, BBQ chicken or stewed  Crumpe, Jr., Club Treasurer, Prince Felix Club
      chicken, fried fish, jerk pork or chicken,  Secretary,  Anthony  B.  Cochran  District
      steamed vegetables and salad. The  Governor, Douglas X. Alexander International
      dessert table added a sweet treat to the  President, William H. Williams Club President,
      day with assorted cakes, cupcakes,  and Ormond Brathwaite Club Membership
      cookies, and ices.               Chair.
      Some children enjoyed a Kiddie Korner  The event included a “Back to School” Leos
      with an array of arts and crafts while  Service Project where school supplies and
      others played team games with sack  toiletries were collected for youths and adults
      races, hula hoops, kite flying and tug of  in our city shelters. District 20-K1 appreciates
      war.    Each competitor received a  the support from NYS Senator Kevin S. Parker
      participation medal and a goodie bag full  whose presence contributed to the success of
      of treats. Music was supplied by Lion  the event.  (see photo) Also in attendance
      Orin Hazelwood.  A Jerusalem dance  were  FVDG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, and
      demonstration by PDG Audrey Doorn  SVDG Antonio Robles.
      enticed International President Douglas
      X. Alexander, District Governor Anthony  Additional donations will be accepted by Lion
      Cochran and a pride of Lions to prove  Matzi Vido 347-432-7716 or Lion Sharon
      that 20K-1 knows how “to cut a rug”.  Elcock 646-764-4505
      The children were thrilled to break the  #WeServeFromTheHeart
      piñata and gathered as much candy as  #WeServeThroughGrowthTogether
      they could. Finally,  District Governor                                 Leos, friends and family sack race
      Anthony Cochran distributed book bags  Reported by: Lion Shirley Maddox
      filled with school supplies and water  Kings and Queens Reporter
      bottles for each child.          Photos by: Lions Matzi Vido & Sharon Elcock
      We thank you for your generous
      support. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

      Prepared by,
      Lion Matzi Vido, Chairperson
      Lion Sharon Elcock, Co-Chairperson
                                                                            THE TEAM THAT MADE IT HAPPEN w/ DG &
                                          Leos, friends and family hitting the pinata  IP
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