Page 22 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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Over 120 Leos and Lions participated un the Leos “Virtual” Mid-Winter
Convention. The Leos proudly showcased their specific talents
through dancing, music, poetry, spoken word and a panel discussion.
International Director Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina, the special guest and
keynote speaker , encouraged the District Leos with words of wisdom
and enlightenment. He then inducted six new Leos from the
Metropolis, Mid-Bedford Heights, Queens Las Americas, and Stuy
Park Leo Clubs. District Governor Anthony Cochran shared his pride
about the Leos’ accomplishments and their aspirations for the future. Gallery photo of District 20-K1 Leos Convention
In their remarks, both ID Tijerina and DG Anthony reminded the Leos
that they are important and can make a great impact on their
communities and the world through their service.
The discussion topic was “Should there be Co-Ed Contact Sports in
High School, College, and the Pro Leagues?” was outstanding. With
the current changes in societal norms and the increasing dynamic in
modification of gender standards and gender equality, the Leo
panelists presented an exceptional, insightful and impactful discussion
on this topic. Everyone was sure to have gained a new awareness Gallery photo of District 20-K1 Leos Convention
about this question.
A high point of this Leos Mid-Winter Convention was the number of
Lions who pledged support for the District 20-K1 Leos Clubs Program.
These donations will assist the Leos of Brooklyn and Queens to
continue performing community service projects and engage in other
related activities.. Lions were directed to contact Leo District
Chairperson Lion Stephanie Simeon at (917) 705-1830 to submit
their donations.
At the end of the formal proceedings, Lion Stephanie Simeon, Leo
District Chairperson, announced upcoming Leo events until the end of
the year. Lion Paula Spann, Leo District Co-Chair, gave the Vote of District 20-K1 Leos Convention Panel Discussion
Thanks to everyone who participated in the program. The event was
closed with a benediction delivered by Leo Liaison Rachelle Easie.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Stephanie Simeon
Leo District Chairperson
PID TJ Tijerina speaker at District 20-K1 Leos Convention