Page 24 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 24
The 44 Annual Lions Day with The United Nations
was held at the Westin Grand Central Hotel on
Friday, March 11, 2022. Due to Covid-19
restrictions, the session was not held at the United
Nations Building. Although the size of the group
was limited, there were more than 20 attendees from
District 20-K1.
The session included
A welcome from Past International President, Al
Brandel, Lions Representative to The United Nations
Economic and Social Council.
A message from Melissa Fleming, UN Under-
Secretary-General for Global Communications, who
pointed out that successful global communications
should focus on the “Ws.”
What is happening?
Why do we care?
What can I do?
Where can I help?
In his address, International President Douglas X.
Alexander shared a video about his service as a Lion
member in our District 20-K1. He stressed his
agenda for Lions “Serving form the Heart.”
Past International President Gudrun Yngvadottir, a
native of Iceland, suggested that Lions use the
mnemonic “ICE” to accomplish successful projects. “I”
(get the relevant Information). “C” (Communicate clearly)
and “E” (Educate others).
The winners of the International Peace Poster and the
International Essay Contest were announced, and the
recipients presented a video “thank you.”
Another highlight of the session was a musical
selection from Dear Even Hanson, performed by Lion
Debra Novicki. Then at the closing of the session,
Lion Debra led the assembly in a standing, swaying,
heartfelt singing of Michael Jackson’s “Heal the