Page 25 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 25



                                           Reported by Lion Yolande Cadore

     Recent reports indicate a spike in violent crimes and youth  In conclusion, Lion Dr. Maureen offered some strategies for
     suicides. Therefore, on March 7, 2022, Brooklyn Crown Heights  thinking rationally:
     Lions Club hosted Lion Dr. Maureen Cort - Blackson, District 20-K1   (1) CATCH - CAPTURE NEGATIVETHOUGHTS
     Chairperson for Connect Counseling to their Virtual Mental Health
     Night, with RC Jennifer Seymour - Wright as facilitator. The theme   (2) CHECK– LISTINGEVIDENCE TO SHOW WHATIS NOT TRUE
     was “How Can We Enhance Our Emotional and Mental Wellbeing?”.
                                                                  (3) CHANGE – SUBSTITUTE WITH REALISTICLOGICAL THOUGHTS
     There were 45 participants including Lions and non-Lions viewing
     from Trinidad and Grenada, West Indies, Florida and Virginia.  Submitted by:
                                                                  Lion Yolande Cadore
     Lion Dr. Maureen indicated that mental health challenges     District 20-K1, E-News
     among children and adults increase the risk for other issues.  Reporter
     Children may display behavioral problems and adults often do
     not comply with their medical treatment.  All such patients
     need support from a “Plus One” to ensure regular doctor’s
     appointments, medication schedules and healthy diets.
     Lion Dr. Maureen explained that impact of traumatic life events
     that involve groups of people and communities can bring on
     negative  distress  with  negative  consequences, causing  a
     disruption in daily routines, work and family life. This circumstance
     is called “Collective Trauma.” She further stressed that even a
     physically healthy body can become compromised by emotional              Lion Dr. Maureen Cort-Blackson
     The session was very informative, productive and prompted
     numerous questions from the audience. Sample questions are
     noted below.
     Question #1: What is the connection between mental health and
     emotional health?
     Response: A healthy, functioning brain enhances our ability for
     critical thinking and boosts the immune system. When our
     emotions are stable and we are happy, we are more creative in
     our thinking. However, if one is struggling emotionally, the
     immune system is weakened and causes unhappiness to the
     individual and others in the immediate environment..                           Participants
     Question #2: How do we improve emotional health?
     Response: Getting physically healthy and physically fit. Exercising
     helps the brain to function better. Exercise helps the receptors
     in the brain and activates serotonin which is a natural mood
     stabilizer. Healthy eating is also important as it supplies energy
     to the body. Light  therapy from  the  natural sunlight  is
     also  important. Additionally, you should regulate or minimize
     the use of phones and/or computers.
     As a follow-up to an inquiry, Lion Dr. Maureen volunteered
     to provide appropriate counseling to a family member of one of
     the participants.
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