Page 8 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 8

International President

                         Douglas X. Alexander’s Message (EXCERPTS)

   International  President,  Douglas   X.                                         Priority #4 – Communication: Effective
   Alexander welcomed the special guest                                            transfer  of  information  must   be
   and keynote speaker , ID Ernesto “TJ”                                           vertical and  lateral to sustain the
   Tijerina and his partner in service Lion                                        health of the organization. Knowledge
   Juanita.  He greeted District Governor                                          acquired  at  conventions,   cabinet
   Anthony  Cochran and his partner in                                             meetings or any related event must be
   service,  PDG Joyce and all other                                               shared at   the club level to build
   participants.  He hoped that this year                                          capacity.
   would be the last Virtual Mid-Winter                                            Priority #5 – Service: LCI set a goal to
   Convention as he looks forward to “in     He lamented that for too long the     serve two million people this year.
   person”   gatherings.     “Despite  the   organization has been stagnant at     Current reports indicate that only 62%
   pandemic,” he disclosed, “I am still      1.4 million members. He encouraged
   excited to serve with you and the Lions of  Lions  to  earnestly  recruit  new  of clubs are reporting .(This  goal is
   the world, as International President!”                                         75% ). Though we are moving in the
                                             members and stimulate growth to       right direction, there is room for
   He   complimented    our   steadfastness,  reach 1.5 million members or even    improvement.
   although   New   York   was   so  badly   2.8 million.                          Priority #6 – Leos: “We cannot forget
   affected during the early days of the     Priority #2 – Campaign 100            our Leos. They are our present and
   pandemic.    Lions figured out how to                                           future  leaders!    Give   them   an
   continue to serve safely, because that is  This global project ends on June 30,  opportunity to grow and develop their
   what Lions do. Our motto is simply “We    2022.   IP Doug thanked all donors    social skills and their speaking skills. It
   Serve.   We as Lions look for that        and   encouraged   other  Lions   to  is important to include the Leos in
   opportunity to make a difference in the   support the lofty but attainable goal  everything  we  do”.     Since   his
   lives of those who are less fortunate in  of 300 million dollars, which has not  installation as International President,
   our community. Service to others is the   yet been met.                         he has placed the Leo’ flag in his
   rent we pay for the space we occupy                                             office to demonstrate his commitment
   here on earth,” he declared.              Priority #3 – Leadership Development
                                                                                   for the young people.
                                             The      International     President
   The International President briefly re-   emphasized    the   importance    of
   emphasized his priorities:                emboldening      members        with  In conclusion, he encouraged all Lions
                                                                                   and Leos to continue “serving from
                                             opportunities to serve in relevant
    Priority #1 – Membership                                                       the heart” and to serve safely.   He
                                             club positions.   This will inspire
   International President Douglas explained  leadership   development,   increase  thanked the participants and asked to
   that we are always looking for like-      member    satisfaction  and   boost   keep him in prayers as he continues to
   minded    people  to   join  our  great   retention.                            travel, taking the message of Lionism
   association.   “Membership is the life                                          around the world and inspiring Lions
   blood of any organization and in                                                to give more and to do more. “Let us
   Lionism, it is no different,. With more   Submitted by:                         continue to be the world’s leaders in
   hands we can provide more service.”       Lion Yolande Cadore,                  service
                                             District 20-K1 E-News Reporter
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