Page 7 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 7


   District Governor, Anthony Cochran * LCIF                                      They planted and later harvested
   welcomed the participants, stating District 20-K1 salutes The Bedford  garden vegetables and herbs at three
   that this has been the second year Stuyvesant Lions Club, the first Model      (3) garden plots which      were “built
   that    District  20-K1     is   using Club     that   has    donated     over from the ground up”.
   the enhanced virtual technology for     $30,000.00.
   the Mid-Winter Convention.                                                     He thanked the District Heritage
                                           Although data   shows an increase in
   His   goals   and    objectives   were  LCIF support,   we have not yet        Committee, whose members were
   outlined   in   four  (4)   measurable exceeded the goal to have 85% of        tasked with documenting a written
   areas:                                  Clubs’ participation.                  history of the praiseworthy tradition
                                                                                  and accomplishments of clubs and
                                           But DG Anthony is optimistic that      members of District 20-K1.
    * Leadership                           we   are   not   finished   and    will
    Zone and Region Chairs completed       continue to work hard to support DG          Anthony    explained   that   this
    select courses in the Lions Learning   the vital initiative. To date, however, history will serve as an advertising
   Center and   40% of club officers       clubs’ support for natural disaster and       recruiting  tool  to   introduce
   completed     specialized    position   relief totals $6,155.00                others to Lionism. It will also serve to
   courses.      Almost     200    Lions   GLOBAL SERVICE CAUSES                  promote fellowship within clubs as
   participate   in   Advisory    Council  In addition to clubs’ Hunger projects members      learn   about    their  rich
   Meetings. Additionally, seven (7)       and food pantries across the district,  heritage  of   dedicated   community
   Lions graduated from the MD-20         one    of    the   District’s  largest  service.    Regional    Chair   Ty’East
   Leadership Institute.                   programs was the distribution of       Alleyne Bobb was the winner of the
                                          more    than   250    meals   to   the contest to design a cover for the
   * Membership                            homeless at a men’s shelter in         Heritage History Book.
   He proudly announced that he had        Brooklyn.
   exceeded his goal by adding 3 new The Breast Cancer Committee raised           The       Technology        Committee
   clubs (First Responders, sponsored over $10,000.00 in donations to             conducted    a series  of     successful
   by Richmond Hill / South Ozone the American Cancer Society.               The  training sessions to upgrade and
   Park; Queens Elite, sponsored by Pediatric Cancer Committee donated             boost    the   technical   skills  and
   East Elmhurst / Colombia; Queens clothing to the Brooklyn Methodist            expertise         for        enhancing
   United, sponsored by Queens Las Hospital.            The TEAL Committee        communication and record keeping,
   Americas). This represents a growth raised funds and collected used ink        using    Microsoft    (WORD,      Excel,
   of 75 new members and a District cartridges for recycling by Staples.          PowerPoint). Zoom and Smartphone
   total of 1,996 Lions.                                                          tutorials were also offered.
                                           The Diabetes Committee conducts
                                           regular preventative / maintenance     “Though        much      has      been
   * Service                                                                      accomplished, opportunities to do
   Service Reporting, goal provided for    education    classes    that   include  more still remain. We serve “from the
   75% to report Service Activities.       exercise programs. His Signature       heart,    teaming     together..”   DG
   DG Anthony indicated that the Lions     Project, The joint Leos and Lions      Anthony concluded, “and I am proud
   Clubs     have      reported     62%.   Environmental Projects provided a      to serve as your District Governor..”
   However, he expects to reach goal       unique opportunity for Leos to
   by the end of the year.                 experience horticultural science.      Submitted by,
                                                                                  Lion Yolande Cadore,
                                                                                  E-News Reporter
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