Page 6 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 6


                MEMORIAL SERVICE

                “WE CALL YOUR NAME



      At the solemn but celebratory Memorial Service, we
      respectfully paid tribute to the life and legacy of our highly
      esteemed PDG Narcissus Frett - Moses, our beloved PDG
      Charles “Charly” McBride and each of the fourteen departed
      Lions for their dedication to humanitarian service.

      Lion Chaplain Ronald Greene’s invocation that “those who
      mourn   shall  be  comforted,”   set  the  tone   for  the
      Commemoration     of Service. With songs    of praise and
      scriptural  readings,  we  were   soothed   with   peaceful
      reminders, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and “Let Not Your
      Heart Be Troubled!”

      In his homily, Rev. Canon Eddie Alleyne offered expressions of
      condolence and encouragement to the surviving family
      members and Lion brothers and sisters. “Our departed Lions
      are martyrs in their own right because they endured and
      completed the struggle to serve better”, he acclaimed. He
      even advised us with a thought-provoking self-evaluation
      question, “Where do we stand in the pandemic of our own

      In conclusion, he eulogized our deceased Lions and
      reassured us that, despite our grief and feelings of loss, “Do
      not lose heart. Lions are always called to a higher service!”

      Special thanks to Lion Monique Brizz-Walker, (Chairperson),
      RC Ty’East Alleyne-Bobb, (Co-Chair) and members of the
      Memorial Service Committee for a memorable presentation.
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