Page 28 - Kings and Queens October 2023 Edition
P. 28
September 2023 Edition Vol: XI No: 1
Volume 1, June 2023
Volume 2, October 2023
PDG Lorri E. Rieger Lion Arlene Punnett
Lion Arlene Punnett
PDG Lorri E. Rieger District 20-K1 Coordinator
MD20 Coordinator
MD20 Coordinator District 20-K1 Coordinator
Telethon 4 will take place on June 2, 2023
How can you support this event?
When you make a donation from now until
the end of the Tel-A-Thon, include where
you would like the donation to go
(Empowering Service, Disaster Relief, etc.);
also request that it be credited to
the Tel-A-Thon.
Stay tuned for more updates and fun facts
about the annual event