Page 31 - Kings and Queens October 2023 Edition
P. 31
September 2023 Edition Vol: XI No: 1
Scene and Heard @ LCICON 2023
OPENING PLENARY SESSION: “Let’s get the show on the road!”
With his signature positive energy and effervescent
greeting, IPIP Brian Sheehan declared the opening of the
Convention , on Sunday July 9, 2023. His characteristic
high spiritedness was matched by the animated
cheerfulness of emcee Cyril Lim (both wearing penguin
socks), who was returning for his 5th. consecutive
appearance. The audience roared and cheered during the
spectacular flag ceremony, as each country / geographic
region was introduced in their order of Charter Date. There
was no sleeping here! DJ Scotty B kept the session upbeat
and bouncy with music to accompany the electrifying IPIP Sheehan delivers his final message to Lions and Leos
of the world
performances of the entertainers.
The Lions International Peace Poster Winner, 13-year-old
Emma Andreea Pavelic, and Essay Contest Winner 11-year-
old Keaton Hamilton, eloquently addressed the audience,
after receiving their respective awards.
In his address to the 10,000+ attendees, IPIP Brian E.
Sheehan proudly announced that during LY 2022 - 2023:
~ more than 500 million people were served!
~ More than 180,000 new members were inducted!
~ $392 million in LCIF Grants supported medical
clinics, life-changing vision services, hunger relief
projects, respite for refugees and healthier, happier Opening Flag Ceremony
lives for 500 million people.
The Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup Award was
presented to deserving districts. (District 20-K1 not
IPIP Sheehan declared, “It has been the greatest privilege
and honor of my life, to serve with you as International
President. As a strong, committed team of Lions, you make
this organization great. Every one of you made the
seemingly impossible tasks possible by ‘thinking outside
the box’ and believing in the simple affirmation: ‘Together,
We Can.’ I cannot thank you enough for every act of IP Brian Sheehan and Lion Lori open the Convention with
service. This ‘Dream Team’ of District Governors is Past Presidents in the background
awesome! You are the best community leaders who
motivated your district to serve their respective community
and the world with passion and compassion”
Lion Lori, his partner-in-service, was pinned with The
Presidential Medal and he presented her with a lovely
bouquet of flowers, in appreciation for her steadfast
support and valuable contributions during his tenure.
Reported by,
Lion Shirley Maddox Lions and Leos from 200+ countries and geographical
regions convened in Boston