Page 22 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
P. 22

                                           ENGAGING YOUTH

                                      IN NEW YORK CITY

      District 20-K1, located in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, New York is developing initiatives that promote urban gardening
      and horticulture (the production and use of plants for food.)

       On October 2, 2021, two garden plots were officially opened in the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn and in St.
      Albans, Queens. Each location is managed by a gardening expert who coaches a team of Lions and Leos on the basics of soil
      conservation, plant cultivation, techniques for maximum yield and the importance of time and patience. The Brooklyn plot was
      donated by the St. Stephens Community Association, a neighborhood organization, and established as a vegetable garden in
      the Spring, by a team from the Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club. The Queens allotment is a developing project, courtesy
      of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Post 5298.

      In preparation for the experience, Mr. Greg, a horticulturist from NYC Parks Green Thumb, briefed the excited Lions and Leos at
      the Brooklyn garden about history of New York City’s efforts to promote community-based gardens. He discussed some
      enlightening garden management tips, seasonal planting, economic and environmental impact and the nutritional benefits of
      plant-based food.
       This was a first-time opportunity for many Leos, one of whom exclaimed, “I never before planted anything”. It was truly an
      unexpectedly informative introduction to the interconnectedness between land use and other environmental ecosystems.

      Following a demonstration lesson on “Readiness for Harvest”, Lions and Leos were eager to reap the Fall vegetables that
      included okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs. (See photos) They were especially excited and attentive to mastering
      the skill of picking, plucking and gathering “ready’ produce for home consumption and storing defective ones for recycling into
      organic manure.

      The Queens location offered a slightly different experience. Under the watchful guidance of Lion Audrey-Pam Thomas, a garden
      enthusiast, Leos and Lions engaged in preliminary weeding, tilling and fertilizing the soil in preparation for seeding. (see
      photos) In addition, some veterans partnered to construct the box garden plots and layer the plant beds with soil. Then each Leo
      enjoyed the option to carefully sow seeds at the appropriate depth and apply sufficient water and coverage. First- hand
      testimonials from selected Leos are provided below.
      On October 23, another environmental conservation project was founded in East New York, Brooklyn. With fundamental
      knowledge, skill and leadership from Lion Mirle Gillard, Chairperson of the Environmental Committee, the Leos were ready to
      provide “service from the heart.” With purpose and enthusiasm, they diligently planted bulbs for Spring flowers and vegetables.
      Everyone brought a newly energized spirit to the District Governor’s theme “Growth through Service, Teaming Together.”
      In support of the International President’s “Global Causes”, District 20-K1 contributed to the sustainability of our land resources
      and was instrumental in developing a project to alleviate hunger. This effort can be easily replicated globally. The partnerships
      that emerge will cultivate communities of understanding based on common interests.
       Anthony B. Cochran
      District Governor                                  Pictures on following pages

      District 20-K1
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