Page 27 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
P. 27

                                            ENGAGING YOUTH
                                    MORE TESTIMONIALS FROM LEOS

                              As a Leo Mascot I feel proud and happy when I am working with the Lions and
                              Leos in the community gardens. I learned to put the seed in the ground and water
                              it. I also learned to work with other Leos and Lions. With services like this I feel
                              great and helpful and that makes me want to be a Leo. We need more places so
                              we can plant more flowers and vegetables.
                              District Mascot Kamiya Atherley, Brooklyn East New York

    Participating in community gardening felt great. I learned of new gardening tools
    and with the help of the adults, how to use them. Doing these services give me the
    opportunity to help out while having a bit of fun. I am a Leo so service projects
    like this just help me to connect with fellow Leos, Lions, and community members.
    To make community gardening better, we can get a maintainable space in a
    community accessible for everyone, where we can continuously monitor the
    progress of our garden during the warmer season to ensure the proper growth of our
    work and make it a sight for everyone to admire.
    Leo Renessa Joseph, President Pace Setters Leos Club

    I felt happy to learn about planting and gardening. It was the first time that I learned about
    “decomposing spoiled or imperfect fruits or vegetables to make “compost” to nourish new plants.
    I also learned the right way to plant different vegetables and fruits. I like to help out in the
    community and feed people who are hungry and homeless. I would like a bigger garden place so we
    can grow fruits and vegetables and give them out to the people in the community who need it.
    Cub Josiah Draghine Metropolis Leos Club
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