Page 17 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 17

when service is awarded to the team becomes the first

3. A.12. Starting Server – For each doubles team, the player
            designated to serve first at the start of the game. In
            doubles tournament play, the starting server shall
            wear a visible form of identification determined by the
            tournament director.

3. A.13. Groundstroke – Hitting the ball after one bounce.

3. A.14. Half Volley – A groundstroke that contacts the ball
            immediately after it bounces and before the ball
            reaches its full height.

3. A.15. Hinder – Any element or occurrence outside of the
            player’s control that impacts play. Example: a stray ball
            that enters the court during play.

3. A.16. Left/Odd Court – The service area on the left side of
            the court, when facing the net. The starting server in
            doubles or the singles server should be positioned on
            the left/odd side of the court when his or her score is

3. A.17. Let – A serve or rally that must be replayed for any

3. A.18. Lob – A high and deep shot that is intended to force
            the opposing side back to the baseline.

3. A.19. Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) – The 7-foot-by-20-foot area
            adjacent to each side of the net. All lines bounding the
            NVZ are part of the NVZ. The NVZ is two-dimensional
            and does not rise above the playing surface. See Figure
            2-1 and Section 2.B.3.

3. A.20. Overhead Slam/Smash – A hard overhand shot.


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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