Page 22 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 22

4.A.7. Contact with the ball is made below waist level
                   (waist is defined as the navel level) (see Figures
                   4-1 and 4-3 above).

         4.A.8. Placement. The server must serve to the correct
                   service court (the court diagonally opposite the
                   server). The serve must clear the net and the
                   NVZ. The serve may land on any service court

         4.A.9. If the serve clears the net or hits the net and then
                   touches the receiver or the receiver’s partner, it
                   is a point for the serving team.

4.B. Player Positions. 

         4.B.1. Server and Receiver. The correct server and
                   receiver and their positions are determined by
                   the score and the players’ starting positions in
                   the game.

         4.B.2. At the start of each game, the starting server
                   begins the serve from the right/even side of the

         4.B.3. Each player will serve until a rally is lost or a fault
                   is declared against the player or team.

         4.B.4. As long as the server holds serve, after each
                   point, the server will alternate serving from the
                   right/even and left/odd sides of the court.

         4.B.5. Singles.

                   4.B.5.a. If the player’s score is even (0, 2, 4 ...),
                               the serve must be made from the
                               right/even serving area and be received


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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