Page 25 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 25

to confirm the score. Players may not ask if they
                   are in the correct position.

         4.B.10. The referee will not correct players’ positions.
                     When an incorrect player serves or receives, or
                     a player serves from an incorrect position, the
                     referee will immediately stop play and identify
                     the fault.

         4.B.11. Incorrect Server or Player Position. When an
                     incorrect server or player position is discovered
                     after a rally, the offending team can be faulted
                     until the next serve occurs. A point scored
                     during the rally will not count. Any previous
                     points scored by the incorrect server or with
                     players in the incorrect positions will stand.

4.C. Readiness. The service motion will not start until the
         score has been called in its entirety.

         4.C.1. Not-Ready Signals. The server and receiver must
                   use one of the following signals to indicate that
                   he or she is not ready to serve or receive the
                   serve, respectively: 1) raising the paddle above
                   his or her head, 2) raising the non-paddle hand
                   above his or her head, or 3) completely turning
                   his or her back to the server. These signals are
                   not valid if used by the server’s or receiver’s

         4.C.2. Once the score has been called, the receiver
                   cannot become “not ready” unless there is a valid

4.D. Calling the Score. The referee shall call the score when
         he or she determines that the receiver is in position or
         should be ready to play. In doubles, when calling the


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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