Page 20 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 20

               AND SCORING RULES

4.A. The Serve. 

         4.A.1. The entire score must be called before the server
                   begins his or her service motion.

         4.A.2. The service motion begins with the server’s arm
                   movement initiating the swing, backward or
                   forward, to contact the ball.

         4.A.3. At the beginning of the serve, both feet must be
                   behind the baseline and the imaginary
                   extensions of the baseline. At the time the ball is
                   struck, at least one foot must be on the playing
                   surface or ground behind the baseline, and the
                   server’s feet may not touch the playing surface in
                   an area outside the confines of the serving area.

         4.A.4. The ball must be struck without bouncing it. A
                   person with a physical disability, such as having
                   the use of only one arm, may bounce the ball
                   before making the service motion.

         4.A.5. The server’s arm must be moving in an upward
                   arc at the time the ball is struck and may be made
                   with either a forehand or backhand motion (see
                   Figure 4-3).

         4.A.6. The paddle head must be below the server’s
                   wrist when it strikes the ball. The highest point of
                   the paddle head cannot be above the highest


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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