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                  Wednesday 1 March 2023
            New China committee debuts with eye on major policy shifts

            continued from Front                                                                                                She  was  arrested  in  the
                                                                                                                                1990s  after  serving  as  an
            “We’re  doing  some  level-                                                                                         interpreter to a leading dis-
            setting  here:  Why  should                                                                                         sident  who  had  urged  the
            someone  care  about  the                                                                                           U.S.  to  condition  trade  on
            threat posed by the CCP?”                                                                                           China’s  human  rights  per-
            Gallagher  said.  “Or  to  put                                                                                      formance.  She  spent  nine
            it  differently,  what  did  we                                                                                     months  in  detention  be-
            get  wrong  about  the  Chi-                                                                                        fore  being  handed  a  two-
            nese Communist Party and                                                                                            and-half year sentence for
            what  do  we  need  to  get                                                                                         “disturbing  social  order”
            right about it so as to have                                                                                        and sent to a labor camp,
            a more successful and en-                                                                                           where  she  said  authorities
            during  strategy  going  for-                                                                                       organized other inmates to
            ward?”                                                                                                              beat her up.
            So  far,  Gallagher  appears                                                                                        “In  the  U.S.,  we  need  to
            to  have  Democratic  buy-                                                                                          face the fact that we have
            in  and  support.  The  vote                                                                                        helped  feed  the  baby
            to  create  the  committee                                                                                          dragon  of  the  CCP  until  it
            was    bipartisan,   365-65.                                                                                        has grown into what it now
            Opponents  on  the  Demo-                                                                                           is,”  she  said  in  prepared
            cratic  side  largely  voiced                                                                                       remarks  provided  to  The
            the concern that the com-                                                                                           Associated  Press.  “Since
            mittee  could  stir  an  even   Chairman Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., center, leads the GOP’s newly-formed House Select Committee   the  1990s,  U.S.  companies
            greater  rise  in  anti-Asian   on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, as the   have  enriched  themselves
                                         panel adopts its rules ahead of a primetime hearing later tonight, at the Capitol in Washington,
            hate crimes. Gallagher said   Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023.                                                               by  exploiting  cheap  labor
            he is committed to ensuring                                                                        Associated Press   in  China  and  have,  in  the
            the focus is on the Chinese                                                                                         process,  also  enriched  the
            Communist  Party,  not  on  Krishnamoorthi said.          mer  advisers  to  President  was  welcomed  into  inter-  CCP.”
            the people of China.         Rep.  Ro  Khanna  of  Cali-  Donald  Trump:  Matthew  national  systems  like  the  The  reaction  to  a  suspect-
            “We  want  to  lead  with  fornia,  another  Democrat  Pottinger,  the  deputy  na-    World Trade Organization.    ed  Chinese  spy  balloon  in
            that  sort  of  human  rights  on the committee, said he  tional  security  adviser  who  He has recommend the U.S.  the  U.S.  earlier  this  month
            focused,    values-focused  expects Gallagher will set a  resigned immediately after  not engage in trade or in-    demonstrates  the  political
            agenda,”  Gallagher  said.  sobering tone.                the  Jan.  6,  2021,  insurrec-  vestment that transfers sen-  tightrope   that   lawmak-
            “And that’s an area of uni-  “The hope is that Congress  tion at the U.S. Capitol; and  sitive  technology  the  CCP  ers will walk to prevent the
            ty,  too,  for  a  lot  of  Demo-  can  still  rise  to  a  genera-  H.R.  McMaster,  who  was  can  use  to  gain  military  committee from becoming
            crats and Republicans.”      tional  challenge,  and  that  national  security  adviser  and  economic  advantag-   a dividing force rather than
            Rep.  Raja  Krishnamoorthi,  is  getting  our  China  policy  from February 2017 to April  es. He also has testified the  a uniting one. Republicans
            D-Ill., the ranking Democrat  correct,”   Khanna   said.  2018.                        U.S. should not do business  were  highly  critical  of  the
            on the committee, said the  “And  there  are  areas  that  McMaster is no stranger to  in China in a way that helps  Biden  administration  for
            CCP  is  counting  on  law-  can  be  bipartisan,  from  testifying about the threats  the CCP stifle freedom and  not shooting down the bal-
            makers  to  be  “fractious,  bringing good jobs back to  he sees from China. He has  perfect  its  technology-en-   loon days earlier than it did,
            divided,  partisan  and  we  making  sure  we’re  deter-  warned  Congress  that  the  abled police state.          while Democrats defended
            have to do the opposite.”    ring any invasion in the Tai-  U.S.  clung  too  long  to  the  Tong  Yi,  a  Chinese  human  Biden and stressed that he
            “We  have  no  choice  but  wan Strait.”                  idea  that  China  would  lib-  rights  advocate,  will  am-  followed  the  military’s  rec-
            to  rise  to  the  challenge  at  The witnesses for Tuesday’s  eralize  its  economy  and  plify those concerns at the  ommendation  on  when  to
            this point. It’s that serious,”  hearing  includes  two  for-  form  of  governance  as  it  hearing.               take it down. q

                                                                      Justice Jackson writes 1st Supreme

                                                                      Court majority opinion

                                                                      ity opinion for the Supreme  October to late April. But in  Jackson  wrote  her  first  dis-
                                                                      Court.                       January  and  February,  for  senting  opinion  in  Novem-
                                                                      The  opinion  released  Tues-  example, the court has only  ber,  in  support  of  a  death
                                                                      day  in  a  dispute  between  seven  argued  cases  each  row inmate from Ohio who
                                                                      states   over   unclaimed  month, meaning there are  failed to win Supreme Court
                                                                      money is one of roughly a  not enough to go around.       review of his case.
                                                                      half dozen she is expected  Jackson  joined  the  high  Lawyers  for  the  inmate,
                                                                      to  write  by  the  time  the  court on June 30, following  Davel  Chinn,  argued  that
                                                                      court  finishes  its  work  for  the  retirement  of  Justice  the  state  suppressed  evi-
                                                                      the summer, usually in late  Stephen Breyer.              dence that might have al-
                                                                      June.  The  decision  was  Jackson,  52,  is  the  first  tered  the  outcome  of  his
            Associate  Justice  Ketanji  Brown  Jackson  stands  as  she  and
            members of the Supreme Court pose for a new group portrait   unanimous,  though  all  the  Black  woman  to  serve  as  trial.
            following  her  addition,  at  the  Supreme  Court  building  in   justices didn't join the whole  a  justice  and  just  the  third  Jackson  wrote  that  she
            Washington, Oct. 7, 2022.                                 opinion.                     Black person on the court.  would have ordered lower
                                                     Associated Press  Each justice typically writes  The others are Justice Clar-  courts to take another look
                                                                      at  least  one  opinion  from  ence Thomas, the longest-  at the case.
            By MARK SHERMAN and          WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Jus-    the  seven  separate  two-   serving among the nine jus-  Only  Justice  Sonia  Soto-
             JESSICA GRESKO              tice Ketanji Brown Jackson   week  arguments  sessions  tices,  and  the  late  Justice  mayor  joined  Jackson's
            Associated Press             has  written  her  first  major-  the  court  holds  from  early  Thurgood Marshall.   opinion.q
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