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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 1 March 2023
            Biden to nominate Julie Su as next U.S. labor secretary

            By SEUNG MIN KIM and         Asian  American  and  Pa-                                                              about  Su  had  been  fully
             ZEKE MILLER                 cific Islander advocates to                                                            vetted two years ago and
            Associated Press             select  Su  to  head  the  de-                                                         that the coming confirma-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     partment.                                                                              tion process will show their
            dent Joe Biden is nominat-   This   administration   was                                                            charges "have no basis."
            ing  Julie  Su,  the  current  the  first  in  more  than  two                                                      Chu noted that Biden had
            deputy  and  former  Cali-   decades  to  not  have  a                                                              said  he  would  name  a
            fornia  official,  as  his  next  Cabinet  secretary  of  AAPI                                                      Cabinet  that  looked  like
            labor  secretary,  replacing  descent,  despite  its  regu-                                                         America,  and  "he  fulfilled
            the  departing  incumbent,  lar declarations that it was                                                            that promise."
            former Boston Mayor Marty  the most diverse in history.                                                             Su's nomination also comes
            Walsh.                       Vice President Kamala Har-                                                             at  a  key  moment  for  la-
            Su,  a  civil  rights  attorney  ris  and  U.S.  Trade  Repre-                                                      bor  unions,  which  have
            and  former  head  of  Cali-  sentative Katherine Tai are                                                           been  facing  a  decline  in
            fornia's  labor  department,  of  AAPI  descent  but  don't                                                         membership  for  decades.
            was  central  to  negotia-   lead  a  Cabinet  depart-    Julie Su, of Calif., speaks during a hearing of the Senate Health,   Unions  gained  some  mo-
            tions  between  labor  and  ment.                         Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for her to be Deputy   mentum as workers at ma-
            freight  rail  companies  late  Su, if confirmed, would also   Secretary of Labor, on Capitol Hill, March 16, 2021, in Washington.   jor employers such as Ama-
            last  year,  working  to  avert  expand  the  majority  of                                         Associated Press   zon and Starbucks pushed
            an  economically  debili-    women serving in the presi-  first  AAPI  Cabinet  Secre-  bor  post  and  praising  Su's  to unionize.
            tating  strike.  She  also  has  dent's  Cabinet.  She  was   tary!"                   credentials  as  a  leader  But  Biden  —  an  avowed
            worked  to  broaden  em-     confirmed by the Senate to   "It  certainly  is  better  late  and enforcer of labor laws  pro-union president — had
            ployee  training  programs  her current role in 2021 by a   than never," Chu said in a  including  minimum  wage  to  work  with  Congress  to
            and crack down on wage  50–47 vote.                       brief  interview,  citing  CA-  and  occupational  safety  impose  a  contract  on  rail
            theft.  If  confirmed  by  the  Su's  nomination  drew  swift   PAC  support  for  Su  two  standards.              workers last year to avoid a
            Senate,  Su  would  also  be  support  from  Democrats    years  ago  for  the  top  La-  She  said  GOP  criticism  possible strike.q
            the  first  Asian  American  in  on  Capitol  Hill,  with  Sen-
            the Biden administration to  ate Majority Leader Chuck
            serve in the Cabinet at the  Schumer saying she would
            secretary level.             be  "phenomenal"  in  the
            Biden,  in  a  statement  on  job.
            Tuesday,  called  her  a  Sen.  Bernie  Sanders,  I-Vt.,
            "champion for workers."      who  will  preside  over  Su's
            "Julie  is  a  tested  and  ex-  confirmation  hearing  as
            perienced leader, who will  chair of the Senate health,
            continue  to  build  a  stron-  education, labor and pen-
            ger,  more  resilient,  and  sions  committee,  praised
            more  inclusive  economy  the selection. Sanders had
            that provides Americans a  urged      consideration   of
            fair return for their work and  Sara  Nelson,  the  president
            an  equal  chance  to  get  of  the  flight  attendants
            ahead," he said.             union,  but  made  clear  Su
            "She helped avert a nation-  had his strong support.
            al rail shutdown, improved  "I'm  confident  Julie  Su  will
            access  to  good  jobs  free  be  an  excellent  Secretary
            from discrimination through  of  Labor,"  he  tweeted.  "I
            my  Good  Jobs  Initiative,  look  forward  to  working
            and  is  ensuring  that  the  with her to protect workers'
            jobs  we  create  in  critical  rights  and  build  the  trade
            sectors  like  semiconduc-   union  movement  in  this
            tor  manufacturing,  broad-  country."
            band  and  healthcare  are  But  Louisiana  Sen.  Bill  Cas-
            good-paying,  stable  and  sidy, the top Republican on
            accessible jobs for all."    the Senate health, educa-
            Su was considered to lead  tion  and  labor  committee
            the    department    when  who opposed Su when she
            Biden won the White House  was  selected  for  deputy
            but  instead  became  the  secretary,  called  her  work
            department's       deputy.  overseeing  the  depart-
            Walsh  announced  his  in-   ment "troubling" and "anti-
            tention to leave the admin-  worker."
            istration  earlier  this  month  The   committee   should
            to lead the National Hock-   "have  a  full  and  thorough
            ey  League  Players'  Asso-  hearing  process,"  Cassidy
            ciation. Su will serve as the  said.
            acting  secretary  until  the  Rep.  Judy  Chu,  D-Calif.,
            Senate  acts  on  her  nomi-  who  chairs  the  Congres-
            nation.                      sional  Asian  Pacific  Ameri-
            Biden  had  been  under  can Caucus, said she was
            pressure from the Congres-   "overjoyed"  by  the  selec-
            sional  Asian  Pacific  Ameri-  tion,  thanking  Biden  in  a
            can  Caucus  and  other  tweet for "nominating your
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