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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Wednesday 1 March 2023
            White House: No more TikTok on gov’t devices within 30 days

            By SEUNG MIN KIM                                                                                                    Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J.,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    his counterpart in the Sen-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            ate, did not shut down the
            White  House  is  giving  all                                                                                       idea of the chamber taking
            federal agencies 30 days to                                                                                         up  a  proposal  that  would
            wipe  TikTok  off  all  govern-                                                                                     empower Biden to take ac-
            ment  devices,  as  the  Chi-                                                                                       tion against TikTok, saying it
            nese-owned  social  media                                                                                           was  “certainly  something
            app comes under increas-                                                                                            to consider.”
            ing  scrutiny  in  Washington                                                                                       Oberwetter    said:   “We
            over security concerns.                                                                                             hope  that  when  it  comes
            The Office of Management                                                                                            to  addressing  national  se-
            and Budget calls the guid-                                                                                          curity  concerns  about  Tik-
            ance,  issued  Monday,  a                                                                                           Tok  beyond  government
            “critical  step  forward  in                                                                                        devices,  Congress  will  ex-
            addressing  the  risks  pre-                                                                                        plore  solutions  that  won’t
            sented by the app to sen-                                                                                           have the effect of censor-
            sitive  government  data.”                                                                                          ing the voices of millions of
            Some  agencies,  including                                                                                          Americans.”  TikTok,  owned
            the  Departments  of  De-                                                                                           by ByteDance Ltd., remains
            fense,  Homeland  Security                                                                                          extremely  popular  and  is
            and  State,  already  have                                                                                          used by two-thirds of teens
            restrictions  in  place;  the                                                                                       in  the  U.S.  But  there  is  in-
            guidance  calls  on  the  rest   The TikTok logo is seen on a cell phone on Oct. 14, 2022, in Boston.               creasing concern that Bei-
            of the federal government                                                                          Associated Press   jing could obtain control of
            to follow suit within 30 days.  The  guidance  was  first  re-  world  governments.  These  tions that threaten national  American  user  data  that
            The  White  House  already  ported by Reuters.            bans  are  little  more  than  security. McCaul, the chair-  the app has obtained.
            does not allow TikTok on its  Congress  passed  the  “No  political theater.”          man  of  the  House  Foreign  The company has been dis-
            devices.                     TikTok  on  Government  De-  House    Republicans   are  Relations  Committee,  has  missive of the ban for fed-
            “The  Biden-Harris  Adminis-  vices Act” in December as  expected  to  move  for-      been  a  vocal  critic  of  the  eral devices and has noted
            tration has invested heavily  part of a sweeping govern-  ward  Tuesday  with  a  bill  app, saying it is being used  that it is developing security
            in  defending  our  nation’s  ment  funding  package.  that  would  give  Biden  the  by  the  Chinese  Commu-      and data privacy plans as
            digital  infrastructure  and  The  legislation  does  allow  power  to  ban  TikTok  na-  nist  Party  to  “manipulate  part  of  the  Biden  adminis-
            curbing  foreign  adversar-  for TikTok use in certain cas-  tionwide.  The  legislation,  and  monitor  its  users  while  tration’s  ongoing  national
            ies’  access  to  Americans’  es,  including  for  national  proposed  by  Rep.  Mike  it  gobbles  up  Americans’  security review.
            data,” said Chris DeRusha,  security,  law  enforcement  McCaul,  looks  to  circum-   data  to  be  used  for  their  Canada  also  announced
            the  federal  chief  informa-  and research purposes.     vent  the  challenges  the  malign activities.”           Monday  that  it  is  banning
            tion  security  officer.  “This  TikTok spokesperson Brooke  administration  would  face  “Anyone with TikTok down-  TikTok from all government-
            guidance  is  part  of  the  Oberwetter  said  Monday:  in court if it moved forward  loaded on their device has  issued mobile devices. The
            Administration’s   ongoing  “The ban of TikTok on fed-    with  sanctions  against  the  given the CCP a backdoor  European  Union’s  execu-
            commitment  to  securing  eral devices passed in De-      social media company.        to  all  their  personal  infor-  tive  branch  said  last  week
            our  digital  infrastructure  cember without any delib-   If  passed,  the  proposal  mation.  It’s  a  spy  balloon  it  has  temporarily  banned
            and  protecting  the  Ameri-  eration,  and  unfortunately  would allow the administra-  into your phone,” the Texas  TikTok from phones used by
            can  people’s  security  and  that  approach  has  served  tion to ban not only TikTok  Republican said in a state-  employees as a cybersecu-
            privacy.”                    as  a  blueprint  for  other  but  any  software  applica-  ment Monday.               rity measure.q

                                                                      Elizabeth Holmes has 2nd child as she

                                                                      tries to avoid prison

                                                                      ond  child  was  confirmed  been  delayed  so  Holmes  hasn’t issued a ruling yet.
                                                                      in  court  documents  filed  could  give  birth  to  her  first  Holmes  isn’t  citing  her  two
                                                                      last week in advance of a  child,  a  son.  Holmes  had  children as the only reason
                                                                      March  17  hearing  about  both children with her cur-    she  should  be  allowed  to
                                                                      her bid to remain free dur-  rent  partner,  William  “Billy”  stay out of prison during her
                                                                      ing  an  appeals  process  Evans. She met Evans after  appeal.
                                                                      that  could  take  years  to  her 2016 break-up with her  Her  lawyers  contend  that
                                                                      complete.                    former  lover  and  business  an  array  of  mistakes  and
                                                                      The  filing  didn’t  disclose  partner,  Ramesh  “Sunny”  abuses  made  during  her
                                                                      the  date  of  the  birth  or  Balwani, who was convict-  trial make it likely her con-
            Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes, center, walks into   the  child’s  gender,  but  ed  on  12  counts  of  fraud  viction  will  be  overturned,
            federal court in San Jose, Calif., Nov. 18, 2022.         the  news  isn’t  a  surprise.  and conspiracy in a sepa-  They  are  also  pointing  to
                                                     Associated Press  Holmes,  38,  was  pregnant  rate trial.                 Holmes’  unblemished  re-
            SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — Dis-  sentence while her lawyers  at  the  time  of  her  Nov.  18  Balwani, 57, is also trying to  cord  while  she  has  been
            graced  Theranos  CEO  Eliz-  appeal  her  conviction  for  sentencing in the same San  convince U.S. District Judge  free  on  bail  during  the
            abeth  Holmes  is  citing  her  duping investors about the  Jose, California, courtroom  Edward Davila to delay the  four-and-half  years  since
            recently  born  child  as  an-  capabilities  of  her  failed  where a jury convicted her  start  of  his  nearly  13-year  her  criminal  indictment  as
            other reason she should be  company’s      blood-testing  on  four  felony  counts  of  prison sentence. A hearing  evidence  that  she  isn’t  a
            allowed to delay the start of  technology.                fraud and conspiracy.        on his request was held ear-  flight risk or a danger to the
            a more than 11-year prison  The  birth  of  Holmes’  sec-  The  start  of  that  trial  had  lier  this  month,  but  Davila  community.q
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