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LOCAL Saturday 29 OctOber 2022
Art Week Aruba 2022
Chilean, Isidora Lopez Paz, sculptor, mosaicist and ceramist
SANNICOLAS/ARTFAIR2022: of the ceramic Raku. When in Germany. Soon Isidora
The word is out, Aruba is asked to work in Aruba, she Lopez Paz will start the 50
becoming the Art Cen- was inspired by the butter- steps of Rodgers Beach.
trum to be in, where all re- flies, Carnival, flowers and The new constructed stairs
nowned muralist wants to the colors of Aruba’s flag, will be made in a spectac-
exhibit their art pieces. but also the pride of Aru- ular masterpiece together
ba’s people. with Aruba’s finest mosaic
Aruba gathered the finest In 2016 she made the Car- artists of BAN MOZAIK! The
muralists from most part of nival Nymph, an artwork in target for 2023, Hooiberg
the world and made the 3d figures. The Chilean art- Hill in the center of Aruba.
streets of San Nicolas in a ist used gold pieces from
want to see and want to Germany and mirrors from Art Fair 2022, November
be in, urban revolving out Brazil and depicted Aru- 4.5.6, 2022, will be an ex-
door Gallery. ba’s flag and the flower plosion of Arts where more
ArtisA, the holding of all called Cayena, dancing than 150 local and inter-
that happens with the mu- and emerging as a beauti- national artists will expose
rals and Aruba Art Fair is ful nymph. their arts, and more than
evolving, thinking in global 15 International Artists will
happenings such as extinc- Isidora Lopez Paz, is a vi- leave their artistic mark on
tion of the species sionary. In Chile she trans- Aruba’s largest murals in
formed a metro station. the long NOT forgotten sun-
Our Artist for this week is Isi- She created over a lap of rise city San Nicolas, the Art
dora Lopez Paz Chile one year, eighty-three pil- Capital of the Caribbean,
lars and four stations, cov- named by Forbes.
Chilean, Isidora Lopez Paz, ered four thousand meters
sculptor, mosaicist and ce- square in mosaic. At a cer- ArtisA in partnership with
ramist, comes from a fam- tain time, she was leading Aruba Tourism Authority Sui
ily of artists. Wonderful art- around 80 fellow artists. Generis invites you to follow
ist that is experimental by The work was gigantic and us via www. Artfairaruba.
heart. She investigates all beautiful. So was her inspi- com or visit us at ArtisA Gal-
the fascinating possibilities ration of “Vogeltreppe” lery in San Nicolas.q