Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
local Saturday 29 OctOber 2022
Moving farewell to Miriam Dabian, current director of ATA Latin America
ORANJESTAD – Recently,
in Bogota, Colombia took
place a farewell event for
Miriam Dabian, who after
a successful career of al-
most 40 years, decided to
close this cycle and dedi-
cate time to herself and her
family. During an enjoy-
able reception, Miriam was
thanked for her hard work
in the tourism industry.
On the 8th of March 1983,
International Day of Wom-
en, Miriam began working of her professional as well filled my duty and work.” also are thankful to Miriam experience.
for Aruba Tourism Authority. as personal life. for her loyalty, determina-
During her trajectory with Miriam commented that CEO of ATA, Ronella Croes tion, creativity and perse- In the name of ATA in
ATA, Miriam held various “closing cycles” means was present at the recep- verance.” Aruba, Latin America, the
positions as well as being that with every change in tion and gave a moving United States and Europe,
in charge of different proj- life, there needs to be an speech regarding her ex- Miriam had and will con- we thank Miriam for all
ects. evaluation, gratitude and perience with Miriam: “It is tinue having an important that she meant for tour-
internal cleansing. “I thank also the closer of a cycle role in the formation of oth- ism and LATAM, her love
Recently Miriam shared an life that gave me the op- for us. For our office of ATA er colleagues and profes- for the job and her passion
e-mail with ATA, titled “clos- portunity to work in ATA, it is difficult to imagine that sionals in the tourism indus- for the island that she al-
ing cycles”, in which Miriam to meet so many beautiful after almost 40 years, Mir- try through “La Academia ways showed wherever she
was telling that it isn’t her people, that I could travel iam will stop working with de Miriam” (The Miriam went to shine through the
preparation to leave, but and I thank my colleagues. the tourism office. Academy) as she herself decades. Thanks for all the
rather the planning for the I am leaving without sad- called it, always focused knowledge, and much suc-
closure of almost 40 years ness, happy to have ful- But same as Miriam, we on sharing knowledge and cess and happiness!q
A Thousand Smiles
Last Thursday, Thousand Thousand Smiles Founda-
Smiles Foundation intro- tion will bring happiness to
duced itself during a press a thousand children on this
conference at Bochincha day. They will distribute a
Container Yard. thousand invitations to chil-
dren from various organiza-
Thousand Smiles Founda- tions, foundations, schools,
tion has already been work- and will make some avail-
ing for the community for a able for radio stations to
few years, with projects for raffle for the Aruban chil-
children, couples, families dren.
and the general commu-
nity through good causes. With this invitation, the chil-
This year, the commission dren will get free entrance
sat together and decided to Bochincha to partici-
to give a name and launch pate and will also receive
the foundation officially. popcorn, cotton candy,
face painting, Dino Jump, To make this project a real- tribute with gifts or products Thousand Smiles Founda-
Their first official event will balloon with different ity, they are asking for the that can go in the gift bags tion believes in the power
take place on Sunday, shapes, soft drink and some community’s support to for the children. of giving and the strength
Noveber 20, and will be food. There will also be adopt one or more children in unity.q
dedicated specially to chil- games, dance shows, and by giving a contribution of
dren, seeing as the 20th to complete the beautiful 25 Florins, which covers one
of November is the Inter- afternoon, each child will child.
national Day of Children’s receive a bag with some Donations can be made
Rights. gifts inside. to Stichting I.D.D., account
number 24849109 CMB and
for the description, Proyec-
to 1000 Smiles
To register a child between
4 to 12 years old for the
event, please call (+297)
The Foundation is also call-
ing on companies who
want to join this event to
also adopt a child or con-