Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Saturday 29 OctOber 2022
Introducing the fastest breaststoker in
the Carifta and CCCAN regions - Mikel
has now become the King course metres he did it
of Speed from the CARIFTA again. In the heats of the
and CCCAN regions in the race he set a new na-
50 metre breaststroke. In tional record of 26.80. That
the Olympic sized pool his eclipsed another Bovell
national record is also the mark of 26.81. Bovell set
best in the CARIFTA and that mark in winning Bronze
CCCAN region at 27.52. at the 2014 FINA World Cup
He created history be- stop in Singapore.
come the Aruban to make
the semi final at the World In the final Schreuders
Champs in Hungary .He placed seventh in 26.83. He
bettered the 2015 standard now has the first and third
of 27.57 by the legendary fastest marks of all time in
George Bovell III of Trinidad the CARIFTA and CCCAN
and Tobago. That was the regions.
ORANJESTAD - When one freestyle events, either the confined to the category of previous regional standard
thinks of Aruban Olym- 50, 100 or 200 events. This sprint freestyler. Information and pictures
pian Mikel Schreuders you calendar year 2022 has At the opening World Cup from Aruban Olympic
would immediately think shown that he will not be The CN Marseille swimmer tour stop in Berlin in short Committee.q
Aruba Happy One Pass project was presented
ORANJESTAD – Thursday Minister Oduber mentioned vice before they board the
morning, minister of Tourism that for a while already plane coming to our island.
and Public Health, Mr. Dan- he has been working with
gui Oduber gave a presen- good collaboration with The minister explained that
tation on the project Aruba the company SITA and during the first phase of
Happy One Pass/Seamless other stakeholders to make the Seamless Travel Experi-
Travel. A lot of work is be- the project Aruba Happy ence, Aruba will be work-
ing done on this project, One Pass/Seamless Travel ing closely with airlines to
which will create a much a reality. This project will optimize the check-in pro-
more pleasant experience help promote our tourism cedure initiated by the
for the tourists visiting our by transforming the experi- passenger. After this, the
island. ence of each visitor, offer- information of the passen-
ing a better quality of ser- ger will go through the SITA
system which will check The main goal of Seamless
right away if this matches Travel Experience is to pro-
the information that Gov- mote a completely digital
ernment has approved on travel process, and make
the ED card. These are the travelling to and from Aru-
first steps to ensure a more ba more efficient.
comfortable and speedy
experience for our visitors. He said that he is sure that
when the project is com-
Minister Oduber said in a pleted, the introduction
press release that his goal to travel with digital cre-
is to continue creating dentials will attract more
partnerships to continue tourists. It will also position
developing this project in Aruba as a frontline in inno-
the entire hospitality indus- vation and process in the
try so that more and more entire tourism and hospital-
stakeholders can benefit ity industry while we contin-
of innovation to give bet- ue protecting the quality of
ter service to the guests. the product Aruba.q