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Saturday 29 OctOber 2022 locAl
Aruba Tourism Authority Prepaid High-Speed Internet
honored loyal visitors at anywhere on the island
Marriot’s Aruba Surf Club
Are you in Aruba for "Workation" and download at a higher speed, all using
need high-speed Internet anywhere at your Mi-Fi device.
any time? SETAR, Aruba's biggest tele-
com provider, offers you the fastest wire- SETAR Wireless Broadband Prepaid of-
less Internet plans on an LTE network. fers you Internet anywhere for a fixed
fee without worrying about additional
Work remotely on the beach via your charges, and it is easy to use and ac-
tablet, laptop, or smartphone and en- cess. Choose the bundle that suits your
joy faster upload and download speeds. budget and needs.
SETAR Prepaid Wireless Broadband of-
fers you a lower latency rate, meaning Visit SETAR Teleshop with locations
websites loads faster, YouTube does not around the island or at the airport to
pause every five seconds, and apps check your Mi-Fi SIM or device.q
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal
visitors at La Cabana Beach Resort Aruba
The Aruba Tourism Au- gifts, and thanked them
thority recently recog- on behalf of the Govern-
nized the Emerald Am- ment of Aruba for choos-
bassador of Aruba by ing Aruba as their favor-
presenting the Ambas- ite vacation destination
sador with the Emerald for so many years. The
certificate as a token of Honoree can now call
appreciation for visiting Aruba their home away The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the Ambassadors with gifts, and thanked
the island for more than from home. the great pleasure to recognized the Dis- the honorees on behalf of the Govern-
35 years consecutively. tinguished Ambassadors of Aruba. The ment of Aruba for choosing Aruba as their
Top reason for returning honorees were presented with the Distin- favorite vacation destination for so many
Honoree was: to Aruba, provided by guished Certification as a token of appre- years. The Honorees can now call Aruba
Donna Beck resident of the honoree were: ciation for visiting the island for 10 years their home away from home.
Georgia, United States consecutively
Beautiful happy hosting Top reason for returning to Aruba, provid-
Ms. Olga Ruiz represent- (Honoree always feels Honorees was: ed by the honoree were:
ing the Aruba Tourism welcomed) Chuck & Bonnie Kraft residents of Michi- The beauty of the island
Authority, and members Nice weather gan, US Friendly people” One Happy Island”
of the Marriott's Aruba Calm water Great restaurants
Surf Club bestowed the Clean beaches Ms. Olga Ruiz representing the Aruba Tour- Beautiful beaches
certification of the Am- Gaming at the Stellaris! ism Authority, and members of La Cabana Seeing friends that we have made during
bassador and presented The most awesome / kind Beach Resort Aruba bestowed the certifi- our visits.q
the Ambassador with dealers & pit bosses.q cation of the Ambassadors and presented