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Thursday 19 March 2020 HEALTH

            Retreat and Advance

            By Carlos M Viana                   veoli. The alveoli fill with fluid or pus,
            Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN)  making it difficult to breathe.
            SANTA CRUZ - For many it felt like  Today, we know that with the 1918
            the  end  of  the  world.  The  Great  pandemic, many died because of
            Depression  began  in  1929  and  aspirin. In a 2009 paper published
            quickly spread worldwide. By 1932,  in  the  journal  Clinical  Infectious
            one of every four workers were un-  Diseases,  Karen  Starko  conclud-
            employed.  Banks  failed  and  life  ed  that  aspirin  poisoning  contrib-
            savings  were  lost,  leaving  many  uted  substantially  to  the  fatalities.
            people  destitute.  With  no  job  and  She  based  this  on  the  symptoms
            no  savings,  thousands  of  Ameri-  in  those  dying  from  the  flu,  as  re-
            cans lost their homes. Republican  ported  in  the  postmortem  reports
            U.S. President Hoover decided the  still available. The timing of the big
            government  could  do  nothing  to  “death spike” in October 1918oc-
            help. The poor lived in cardboard  curred  shortly  after  the  Surgeon
            shacks  in  so-called  Hoovervilles  General of the U.S. Army and the
            on  the  edges  of  cities  across  the  Journal  of  the  American  Medical
            nation;  hundreds  of  thousands  Association  both  recommended
            roamed the country on foot and in  large doses of 8 to 31 grams of as-
            railroad boxcars in futile search of  pirin per day as part of treatment.
            jobs. Although few starved, hunger  Complications of taking aspirin in-
            and malnutrition affected many.     clude  low  blood  sugar,  seizures,
                                                swelling  of  the  brain  or  lungs  and
            With the nation at its peak of the  heart failure.
            Great Depression, fed up with their  Severe acute respiratory syndrome
            uncaring  president,  the  United  (SARS)  and  heart  failure  is  also
            States  elected  Franklin  D.  Roos-  why  people  die  from  COVID  19.
            evelt on March 4, 1933. He started  The  initial  symptoms  of  COVID  19
            his  inauguration  speech  by  say-  are flu-like and may include fever,
            ing “So, first of all, let me assert my  headache, muscle pain, tiredness,
            firm  belief  that  the  only  thing  we  cough, sore throat, and other non-
            have to fear is...fear itself — name-  specific symptoms. The only symp-
            less, unreasoning, unjustified terror  tom  common  to  all  patients  ap-  found  that  severely  ill  flu  patients  Get  the  Point!  American  author,
            which paralyzes needed efforts to  pears  to  be  a  fever  above  38  °C  nursed outdoors recovered better  Andrew  Smith  wrote  -  “People
            convert retreat into advance”.      (100 °F). SARS may eventually lead  than  those  treated  in  an  indoor,  fear what they cannot understand
            We  are  entering  a  global  stress  to  shortness  of  breath  and  pneu-  closed  environment.  A  combina-  and  what  they  cannot  control.”
            that  is,  in  many,  producing  fears.  monia, either direct viral pneumo-  tion of fresh air and sunlight seems  We  can  control  how  we  are  fac-
            The  world  has  been  in  this  situa-  nia  or  secondary  bacterial  pneu-  to have prevented deaths among  ing the COVID 19 pandemic! With
            tion  many  times  already  and  we  monia                              patients,  and  infections  among  good  hygiene,  public  distancing,
            survived. Another global pandem-    At  home,  we  are  planning  not  to  medical  staff.  There  is  scientific  minimizing  time  spent  in  tightly
            ic,  the  1918  influenza  lasted  from  use any aspirin, paracetamol, ibu-  support  for  this.  Research  shows  closed (air-conditioned or heated
            January 1918 until December 1920;  profen,  or  other  medication  for  that  outdoor  air  is  a  natural  disin-  buildings),  take  this  time  home  to
            was an unusually deadly influenza  fever or pain. Thankfully acupunc-   fectant. Fresh air can kill the flu virus  prepare  healthier  meals  and  add
            pandemic.  It  was  the  first  of  the  ture works wonders on headaches.  and other harmful germs. Equally,  immune  support  vitamins  like  C,
            two pandemics involving the H1N1  The  natural  medicine  reduction  sunlight  is  germicidal  and  there  is  D3and  zinc.  For  headache  resist,
            influenza  virus,  with  the  second  of  fever  has  for  centuries  been  now evidence it can kill the flu vi-  aspirin and try an enema for fever,
            being  the  swine  flu  in  2009.  Peo-  an enema. Our choice is the old-  rus.  Sunlight  increases  Vitamin  D  get outside for a walk, open a win-
            ple  died  during  these  pandemics  fashioned red bag and white tube.  levels and there are many medical  dow, enjoy your garden, a park or
            from pneumonia and heart failure.  Warm,  clean  water  slowly  flowing  journal  articles  reporting  the  anti-  the sea while the crowds are low.
            Pneumonia  is  an  infection  in  one  into the anus provides rehydrating  viral  effect  of  vitamin  D.    Unfortu-  Remember  to  check  on  those  in
            or both lungs caused by bacteria,  water and will help reduce fevers.   nately,  many  people  today  have  need.  Focusing on safely helping
            viruses,  and  fungi.  The  infection  We also learn from the 1918 pan-  low levels of vitamin D3, which not  others,  keeps  us  from  focusing  on
            causes inflammation in the air sacs  demic about what doctors called,  only strengthens bone health, but  fear.  Time to Advance. We will get
            in your lungs, which are called al-  the  ‘open-Air’  treatment.  Medics  is showing immune system support.  through this too.q
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