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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 19 March 2020

            Sanders' campaign says he is reassessing, not dropping out

            By WILL WEISSERT and BRIAN                                                                                          tage with Hispanics.
            SLODYSKO                                                                                                            But  the  primary  calendar
            Associated Press                                                                                                    will  be  disrupted  by  the
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem-                                                                                              public  health  and  eco-
            ocratic  presidential  candi-                                                                                       nomic   havoc    wreaked
            date  Bernie  Sanders  said                                                                                         by  the  coronavirus.  Ohio
            Wednesday that he is reas-                                                                                          canceled  its  Tuesday  pri-
            sessing  his  campaign,  rais-                                                                                      mary just hours before polls
            ing questions about wheth-                                                                                          opened,  citing  concerns
            er he will drop out after los-                                                                                      about spread of the virus.
            ing  three  more  states  and                                                                                       The chairman of the Demo-
            falling  prohibitively  behind                                                                                      cratic National Committee,
            Joe Biden in the 2020 race.                                                                                         Tom  Perez,  criticized  Ohio
            A  Sanders  spokesman  de-                                                                                          for  closing  polls  on  such
            nied a report that the Ver-                                                                                         short  notice.  But  he  also
            mont senator was suspend-                                                                                           urged  states  with  upcom-
            ing his campaign, but that                                                                                          ing  primaries  to  expand
            word  came  as  Sanders                                                                                             vote-by-mail and absentee
            pulled down digital adver-                                                                                          balloting, as well as polling
            tising  on  Facebook  and    In  this  image  from  video  provided  by,  Democratic  presidential  candidate   station hours.
            Google,  triggering  further   Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks from Washington, Tuesday, March 17, 2020.         Louisiana,  Georgia,  Ken-
            confusion  in  a  contest  al-                                                                     Associated Press   tucky and Maryland joined
            ready  upended  by  the                                                                                             Ohio  in  moving  to  push
            coronavirus.                 to  collect  nearly  twice  as  candidates.  During  online  ing on Sanders to drop out  back  their  upcoming  pri-
            Earlier  Wednesday,  cam-    many  delegates  as  Sand-   remarks  before  most  re-   in the name of party unity.  maries, and others may yet
            paign manager Faiz Shakir  ers  on  Tuesday.  Sanders  sults  were  in,  Sanders  said  Four  years  ago,  Sanders  do so. As Shakir noted, that
            said  Sanders  "is  going  to  now  needs  to  win  more  little about the future of the  kept  alive  his  primary  bid  has left the primary calen-
            be  having  conversations  than 63% of the remaining  race.                            against  Hillary  Clinton  for  dar  empty  until  March  29,
            with  supporters  to  assess  1,757  delegates.  President  On Tuesday, Trump formally  months, even as it became  when  Puerto  Rico  votes.
            his  campaign."  But  Shakir  Donald  Trump  awaits  the  clinched  the  Republican  clear he had no chance of  But island leaders are work-
            also  suggested  that  Sand-  nominee.                    presidential nomination af-  winning.                     ing  to  reschedule  ballot-
            ers was in no hurry to make  For  Sanders,  catching  up  ter  facing  minimal  opposi-  In  the  latest  primaries,  ing there, too. That means
            any  decisions  about  end-  would  be  the  tallest  of  or-  tion.  On  the  Democratic  Biden  maintained  strength  there is nowhere for Sand-
            ing his 2020 bid, noting that  ders  under  any  circum-  side,  higher  vote  totals  in  with   African   Americans  ers to gain ground on Biden
            "the next primary contest is  stances.  But  that  task  is  some key states suggested  and  older  voters.  He  also  anytime  soon,  even  if  he
            at least three weeks away."  even tougher in a political  enthusiasm  that  even  the  appeared to chip away at  could find a way to mount
            More  immediately,  Shakir  world turned upside-down,  coronavirus  couldn't  con-     Sanders'  previous  advan-   a sudden surge.q
            said,  Sanders  "is  focused  along  with  daily  life,  amid  tain.  Turnout  in  Florida's
            on  the  government  re-     efforts  to  combat  a  pan-  Democratic  primary  sur-
            sponse  to  the  coronavirus  demic that has killed more  passed the 1.7 million who
            outbreak and ensuring that  than 100 people in the Unit-  cast ballots four years ago.
            we  take  care  of  working  ed States.                   Some  Democrats  are  call-
            people  and  the  most  vul-  Neither  candidate  is  trav-
            nerable."                    eling or holding campaign
            Reports later surfaced that  rallies,  and  much  of  the
            Sanders  was  suspending  electorate  has  been  stay-
            his  campaign,  prompting  ing home.
            spokesman  Mike  Casca  With the exception of North
            to  say  that  the  candidate  Dakota  and  the  Northern
            was "not suspending. Noth-   Mariana  Islands,  Sanders
            ing has changed since this  has not won a contest since
            morning's statement."        Super  Tuesday  on  March
            In  the  meantime,  Sanders'  3.  He  made  no  moves  to
            campaign       deactivated  contact Biden immediately
            digital  ads  purchased  as  after  Tuesday's  results,  ac-
            recently as Tuesday.         cording  to  people  famil-
            Even if Sanders decides to  iar  with  the  situation  who
            keep  running,  he  has  little  discussed  the  matter  on
            hope  of  catching  Biden,  the  condition  of  anonym-
            who  used  victories  in  Flor-  ity because they were not
            ida,  Illinois  and  Arizona  authorized to speak for the
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