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u.s. news Diasabra 19 september 2020
Assange lawyer says Trump offered deal to avoid extradition
(AP) — A lawyer for Wiki the matter on their return to
Leaks founder Julian Assange Washington.
has told a London court that
her client was indirectly of- Robinson said that Rohra-
fered a “win-win” deal by bacher had said he had come
President Donald Trump that to London to talk to Assange
would see him avoid extradi- at his then-refuge at the Ec-
tion to the U.S. if he revealed uadorian Embassy about
the source of a leak of docu- “what might be necessary to
ments from the Democratic get him out,” presenting him
Party before the 2016 elec- with a “win-win situation”
tion. that would allow him to leave
the embassy and “get on with
Assange, who didn't reveal his life" without fear of be-
the source of the leak of the ing extradited to the U.S.
Democratic National Com- “The proposal put forward
mittee emails, is fighting by Congressman Rohrabach-
efforts by the U.S. to extra- er was that Assange identify
dite him to face an array of the source for the 2016 elec-
charges related to his work tion publications in return
at Wiki Leaks. Jennifer Rob- for some kind of pardon, as-
inson, who has represented surance or agreement which
Wiki Leaks for a decade, re- would both benefit President
layed to the court Friday via Trump politically and prevent 2016 election campaign. James Lewis, a lawyer acting tivated and that he won’t re-
a written statement that her U.S. indictment and extradi- Assange didn't reveal the on behalf of the U.S. govern- ceive a fair trial in the Unit-
client had been made an of- tion," Robinson said. Any in- source of the leak of the ment, said it wasn't contest- ed States. They also argue
fer at a meeting on Aug. 15, formation on the source of Democratic National Com- ing that “these things” were that Assange was acting as
2017, with former Repub- the link would be of “inter- mittee emails, which were said. a journalist entitled to First
lican Congressman Dana est, value and assistance” to published by Wiki Leaks, “We obviously do not accept Amendment protection.
Rohrabacher and Trump as- Trump, the pair said, accord- among others, in 2016 in the truth of what was said by Assange has been in a British
sociate Charles Johnson. In ing to Robinson. the run-up to the election. others,” he said. prison since his ejection from
her statement that was read They are considered to have U.S. prosecutors have indict- the Ecuadorian Embassy in
out at London's Criminal Robinson said that Rohra- damaged Hillary Clinton’s ed the 49-year-old Assange London in April 2019. He
Court, Robinson said the pair bacher explained at the meet- presidential campaign against on 17 espionage charges, and had been granted asylum by
“wanted us to believe they ing that he wanted to resolve Trump. one of computer misuse, over Ecuador in 2012 over fears he
were acting on behalf of the the ongoing speculation Rohrabacher, who lost his WikiLeaks’ publication of se- would face possible extradi-
president” and that they had about Russian involvement seat in the 2018 midterm cret U.S. military documents tion to the U.S. related to his
stated that Trump was “aware in the leaks. Russia has been elections, has previously said a decade ago, largely around work with Wiki Leaks.
of and had approved of them widely blamed to have been he never spoke with Trump the wars in Afghanistan and
coming to meet” with As- behind the email theft. At the about Assange and wasn't Iraq a decade ago. The charg- The extradition hearing is
sange to discuss the proposal. time of the meeting, special directed by the president or es carry a maximum sentence due to last until early Octo-
She also said the pair said counsel Robert Mueller was anyone else connected with of 175 years in prison. ber.
they would have an audience investigating alleged ties be- him to meet with Assange. Assange’s lawyers say the
with the president to discuss tween Russia and Trump's prosecution is politically mo-
Mississippi justices: No broad absentee voting amid COVID-19
(AP) — Mississippi law does the U.S. Centers for Disease who is “caring for a depen- pealed Owens’ order to the would open absentee voting
not allow absentee voting by Control and Prevention has dent that is under a physi- state Supreme Court. to many more people. Most
all people who have health listed as making people more cian-imposed quarantine due states allow early voting.
conditions that might make vulnerable to COVID-19, to COVID-19.” Attorneys for Watson wrote Those that require an excuse
them vulnerable to CO- their caretakers and three in the appeal that the state for absentee voting are most-
VID-19, the state Supreme other groups. People with health condi- law's “narrow absentee ex- ly in the South.
Court ruled Friday. tions including lupus and cuse does not stretch to vot-
Mississippi does not allow asthma filed a lawsuit Aug. 11 ers without an underlying
A majority of justices re- widespread early voting. In- in Hinds County Chancery ‘physical disability’ just be- In Tennessee, a state court
versed a Sept. 2 decision by stead, state law says absentee Court. Their attorneys from cause they have a fear of con- judge in June ordered that all
Hinds County Chancery voting is available to anyone the American Civil Liberties tracting COVID-19 at the eligible voters should have an
Judge Denise Owens, saying 65 or older, or for voters of Union of Mississippi and polls, or the voters are volun- absentee voting option dur-
she too broadly interpreted any age who are permanent- the Mississippi Center for tarily following public health ing the health crisis, and that
some changes that legisla- ly disabled or will be out of Justice argued that any voter guidance.” Other groups ruling was carried out during
tors made to state law this their home county on Elec- with a preexisting condition filed a similar lawsuit Aug. 27 the Aug. 6 primary. The Ten-
year. “Having a preexisting tion Day. People who have to should be able to vote absen- in federal court, arguing that nessee Supreme Court over-
condition that puts a voter at work on Election Day when tee because the state health Mississippi's absentee voting turned the absentee expan-
a higher risk does not auto- polls are open also are al- officer, who is a physician, restrictions put people at risk sion last month, restoring the
matically create a temporary lowed to vote absentee. Leg- has advised that people with during the coronavirus pan- excuse-based absentee voting
disability for absentee-voting islators tweaked the law this such conditions should avoid demic. They filed additional system and citing the state’s
purposes,” justices wrote. year with provisions that ex- large public gatherings. The papers Thursday asking a promise — made for the
The Mississippi decision pire at the end of 2020. Those attorneys said such voters judge to block two require- first time in front of the high
contrasts with one handed allow absentee voting by should not need individual ments — that a voter have court — that people can vote
down Wednesday in a neigh- someone with a temporary quarantine orders from an- absentee ballot forms nota- by mail if they believe they
boring state, where a federal or permanent disability that other physician, and Owens rized and that people have an or someone in their care face
judge ruled that Louisiana may include “a physician- agreed. excuse to vote absentee, such a higher risk of contracting
must allow mail-in voting for imposed quarantine due to Secretary of State Michael as being out of town on Elec- COVID-19 due to underly-
people with conditions that COVID-19” or by a person Watson, a Republican, ap- tion Day. Waiving the excuse ing health conditions.