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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 19 september 2020

                        Iran summons German envoy over tweet on executed wrestler

            (AP)  —  Iran  on  Monday  its diplomatic” duties.        Trump’s plea.                penalty.  Even  imprisoned  sanction relief. Trump pulled
            summoned  Germany’s  am-                                  Afkari’s  case  had  drawn  at-  Iranian  human  rights  law-  out  the  U.S.  from  the  deal
            bassador  following  his  em-  The  embassy  had  earlier  on  tention  after  a  social  media  yer Nasrin Sotoudeh, herself  and  reimposed  sanction  on
            bassy’s criticism of the execu-  Monday  said  on  its  Twitter  campaign portrayed him and  nearly  a  month  into  a  hun-  Iran  in  2018  but  European
            tion last weekend of a wres-  account  that  it  was  “deeply  his brothers, who remain in  ger  strike  over  conditions  at  powers  including  Germany
            tler  after  President  Donald  surprised”  about  the  execu-  prison,  as  victims  who  were  Tehran’s  Evin  prison  amid  remain in the deal.
            Trump asked for the 27-year-  tion and suggested the wres-  targeted  because  they  par-  the  coronavirus  pandemic,
            old man’s life to be spared.  tler  was  executed  as  part  of  ticipated  in  protests  against  passed  word  that  she  sup-  In Geneva, The U.N. human
                                         Iran’s  efforts  to  “silence  op-  Iran’s  Shiite  theocracy  in  ported  Afkari.  The  Interna-  rights  experts  condemned
            The  official  IRNA  news  posing  voices.”  Later,  Ger-  2018.  Authorities  accused  tional  Olympic  Committee  the execution and raised the
            agency  said  a  foreign  min-  many’s Foreign Ministry said  Afkari  of  fatally  stabbing  a  in  a  statement  shortly  after  alarm that it was the latest “in
            istry  official  told  Ambassa-  in  a  tweet  that  the  German  water  supply  company  em-  Saturday’s  execution  said  it  a series of death penalty sen-
            dor Hans-Udo Muzel at the  ambassador  in  Tehran  had  ployee in the southern city of  was  shocked  and  saddened  tences  handed  down  in  the
            meeting that the tweet about  phoned  the  Iranian  Foreign  Shiraz amid the unrest.   by the news of the wrestler’s  context of protests” in Iran.
            the  wrestler,  Navid  Afkari,  Ministry to again “express the  Earlier  in  September,  Iran  execution, and that the com-  “Such  flagrant  disregard  for
            amounted  to  an  “interven-  German  government’s  posi-  broadcast the wrestler’s tele-  mittee’s  president,  Thomas  the right to life through sum-
            tion”  in  Iran’s  domestic  af-  tion in the case of the Iranian  vised  confession.  The  seg-  Bach, “had made direct per-  mary executions is not only a
            fairs  and  strongly  protested  athlete Navid Afkari, and its  ment  resembled  hundreds  sonal appeals to the Supreme  matter of domestic concern,”
            the move.                    horror over the carrying out  of  other  suspected  coerced  Leader  and  to  the  President  said the U.N. experts’ state-
            “Intervention in Iran’s inde-  of the death sentence.”    confessions  aired  over  the  of  Iran  this  week  and  asked  ment on Monday. “We call on
            pendent judicial affairs is not                           last decade in the Islamic Re-  for mercy for Navid Afkari.”  the international community
            acceptable,”  the  statement  Iran  on  Saturday  executed  public.                    Germany,  alongside  other  to react strongly to these ac-
            quoted the unnamed official  Afkari,  who  was  convicted                              world  major  powers,  signed  tions by the Islamic Republic
            as saying, adding that the am-  of  murder,  despite  an  in-  The  case  revived  a  demand  the  2015  nuclear  deal  with  of Iran.”
            bassador was advised the em-  ternational  outcry  to  stop  inside the country for Iran to  Iran  aimed  at  capping  Iran’s
            bassy should not go “beyond  the  execution  and  following  stop  carrying  out  the  death  nuclear activities in return of

                                      India's coronavirus cases jump by another 96K

            (AP)  —  India’s  coronavi-  a  ban  on  assemblies  of  four  25. They’ll have to fly rather  country’s total to 22,783 with  is  a  major  industrial  center,
            rus cases jumped by another  or more people in Mumbai,  than  drive  to  Queensland,  377  deaths.  South  Korea’s  while  the  eastern  financial
            96,424 in the past 24 hours,  India’s  financial  and  enter-  however,  because  Canberra  caseload  has  been  slowing  and business hub of Shanghai
            showing  little  sign  of  level-  tainment  capital.  More  than  is surrounded by New South  recently,  prompting  authori-  reported  12.  China,  where
            ing.    The  Health  Ministry  178,000  people  have  been  Wales  state,  which  remains  ties  to  relax  elevated  social  the  virus  was  first  reported
            on Friday raised the nation’s  infected  by  the  coronavirus  subject to border restrictions.  distancing rules in the Seoul  late last year, has gone more
            total cases to 5.21 million, or  in  Mumbai,  including  8,320                         area. But the country’s daily  than a month without report-
            0.37% of its nearly 1.4 billion  who died.                A senior governing party law-  jump  remains  in  triple  dig-  ing  any  cases  of  local  trans-
            people.  It  said  1,174  more                            maker who helped with new  its  as  cluster  transmissions  mission  but  remains  highly
            people  died  in  the  past  24  In other developments in the  Prime  Minister  Yoshihide  linked  to  churches,  schools  vigilant to cases brought from
            hours,  for  a  total  of  84,372  Asia-Pacific region:   Suga’s election campaign has  and elsewhere and some un-  outside. It has suspended is-
            fatalities.  Experts  say  India's  — New Zealand reported no  been  hospitalized  with  CO-  traceable cases continue to be  suing  new  visas  and  anyone
            death toll may be a significant  new cases of the coronavirus  VID-19,  becoming  the  first  detected.             arriving  from  abroad  is  re-
            undercount. India is expect-  on  Friday  for  the  first  time  confirmed  case  in  Japan’s                       quired to undergo two weeks
            ed to have the highest num-  in  more  than  five  weeks  as  parliament.  Shuichi  Taka-  China  on  Friday  reported  of quarantine. Schools, busi-
            ber of confirmed cases within  hopes  rise  that  an  outbreak  tori, a member of the Liberal  that  imported  coronavirus  nesses,  transport  and  public
            weeks, surpassing the United  discovered  in  Auckland  last  Democratic Party, developed  cases  surged  to  32  over  the  services have largely resumed
            States, where more than 6.67  month has been stamped out.  a  fever  and  tested  positive  previous  24  hours.  Thirteen  normal operations under so-
            million people have been in-  Friday also marked the fourth  for  the  coronavirus,  accord-  of those cases were reported  cial  distancing,  mask  wear-
            fected.                      consecutive day without any  ing  to  parliament's  lower  in  the  northern  province  of  ing and location tracking re-
                                         cases  of  community  trans-  house.  Takatori  attended  a  Shaanxi, whose capital Xi’an  quirements.
            Indian  Prime  Minister  Nar-  mission, with all recent cases  plenary  session  on  Wednes-
            endra  Modi  on  his  birthday  being  found  among  quaran-  day  at  which  Suga  was  for-
            Thursday made a fresh appeal  tined  passengers  returning  mally elected prime minister.
            to people to wear masks and  from abroad. Health authori-  He  accompanied  81-year-
            maintain  social  distancing  ties expect to continue find-  old  party  Secretary  General
            as  his  government  prepared  ing such cases at the border.  Toshihiro  Nikai  when  they
            plans  for  handling  big  con-  Authorities  have  still  not  greeted former Prime Minis-
            gregations expected during a  pinpointed  the  origin  of  the  ter Shinzo Abe after the vote,
            major  Hindu  festival  season  August outbreak, which they  Kyodo  News  agency  report-
            beginning next month.        believe  was  imported.  New  ed.  Health  officials  are  in-
            Health Minister Harsh Vard-  Zealand  has  reported  a  total  vestigating his close contacts
            han said with a recovery rate  of  just  over  1,800  cases  and  for  possible  infection.  Japan
            of more than 78%, India has  25 deaths.                   has  77,494  confirmed  coro-
            only  1  million  active  coro-                           navirus cases including 1,482
            navirus  cases.  Nearly  60%  An  Australian  state  govern-  deaths as of Friday, according
            of  the  active  cases  are  con-  ment will open the state bor-  to the health ministry.
            centrated in five of India's 28  der to the national capital after
            states — Maharashtra, Karna-  being  criticized  for  refusing  South Korea’s daily coronavi-
            taka,  Andhra  Pradesh,  Tamil  to allow a Canberra resident  rus tally has stayed in the 100s
            Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.      to attend her father’s funeral  for a 16th consecutive day as
            Worst-hit western Maharash-  because of pandemic restric-  authorities struggle to contain
            tra state accounted for 474 of  tions.  Health  Minister  Ste-  small-scale  local  infections.
            the  1,174  fatalities  reported  ven Miles said Canberra trav-  The  Korea  Disease  Control
            in the country in the past 24  elers  would  no  longer  have  and  Prevention  Agency  said
            hours.  Authorities  extended  to spend time in Queensland  Friday that the 126 new cases
            until  the  end  of  September  hotel  quarantine  from  Sept.  in the past 24 hours took the
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