Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220914
P. 30
A30 world news
Diaranson 14 september 2022
Ukraine piles pressure on retreating Russian troops
(AP) — Ukrainian troops Reports of chaos abounded of Ukrainians found them-
piled pressure on retreat- as Russian troops pulled out selves in the dark — without
ing Russian forces on — as well as claims that they electricity. Houses, hospitals,
Tuesday, pressing a coun- were surrendering en masse. schools, communal infra-
teroffensive that has pro- The claims could not be im- structure … sites that have
duced major gains and mediately verified. absolutely nothing to do
a stunning blow to Mos- Ukrainian Deputy Minister with the infrastructure of the
cow's military prestige. of Defense Hanna Maliar armed forces of our country."
said Kyiv is trying to persuade
It was not yet clear if the even more Russian soldiers He said it could only point
Ukrainian blitz in the north- to give up, launching shells to one thing. "This is a sign
east after months of little filled with flyers ahead of of the desperation of those
discernible movement could their advance. who contrived this war. This
signal a turning point in the is how they react to the de-
nearly seven-month war. But And Ukrainian officials feat of Russian forces in the
the country's officials were said Russia kept up shelling Kharkiv region. They can't
buoyant, releasing footage around Europe's largest nu- do anything to our heroes on
showing their forces burning clear facility, where fighting the battlefield."
Russian flags and inspecting has raised fears of a nuclear
abandoned charred tanks. In disaster. The Nikopol area, "It's not Ukraine that at-
one video, border guards tore which is across the Dnieper tacked Izium, but NATO,"
down a poster that read, "We River from the Zaporizh- read a headline in the state-
are one people with Russia." zhia nuclear power plant, was supported Komsomolskaya
shelled six times during the Pravda newspaper, referring
Momentum has switched night but no injuries were to one of the areas where
back and forth before, and immediately reported, said Russia said it has withdrawn
Ukraine's American allies, regional governor Valentyn troops.
for one, were careful not to Reznichenko.
declare a premature victory Elsewhere, residents of a
since Russian President Vlad- Strikes have also contin- Russian village just across the
imir Putin still has troops and ued unabated on the city of border from Ukraine were
resources to tap. Kharkiv, Ukraine's second- evacuated after shelling by
largest and one that has been Ukrainian troops killed one
Late Monday, President just 3 kilometers (2 miles) hammered by artillery for person, according to Russia's
Volodymyr Zelenskyy said "The movement of our from Russia seized on the months. Tass news agency.
his troops had so far retaken troops continues," he said. first day of the war. Rus-
more than 6,000 square kilo- sia acknowledged that it has Zelenskyy specifically criti- The report cited the head of
meters (2,300 square miles) Among the latest claims, withdrawn troops from areas cized Russia for targeting the local administration in
— an area more than twice Ukraine's border guard ser- in the northeastern region of energy infrastructure in its Logachevka, who said Ukrai-
the size of Luxembourg — in vices said the army took con- Kharkiv in recent days. attacks over the past days. nian troops opened fire at a
a matter of weeks. trol of Vovchansk — a town "Hundreds and thousands border checkpoint.
Eiffel Tower to go dark earlier as Paris Hungary’s government tightens
saves energy rules regulating abortion
(AP) — Lights on the Ei- ments and municipal build- for gas and electricity surg- (AP) — Hungary's right- "more comprehensive infor-
ffel Tower will soon be ings that will be plunged ing. It's fueled inflation and wing government has is- mation for pregnant wom-
turned off more than an into darkness earlier in the raised fears about shrink- sued a decree which will en."
hour earlier at night to evening as the French capi- ing supplies as the heating require doctors to pres-
save electricity, the Paris tal — like the rest of France season draws near, forcing ent women requesting an Abortion laws in Hungary
mayor announced Tues- and Europe — faces risks of countries to enact conserva- abortion with fetal vital are relatively liberal and have
day, as Russia's war in power shortages, rationing tion measures and relief for signs, an obligation that remained largely unchanged
Ukraine deepens an en- and blackouts when energy consumers and businesses. tightens the country's since the procedure was le-
ergy crisis in Europe. demand surges this winter. While some European com- relatively liberal abortion galized during the country's
panies have reduced or halted rules. socialist period in 1953.
Mayor Anne Hidalgo said the Russia has reduced natural production as energy prices
iconic tower that is normally gas supplies to several Euro- surge, the European Union The decree issued on Mon- Hungary's nationalist gov-
illuminated until 1 a.m. is pean countries as they sup- is looking to pass proposals day states that health care ernment, led by Prime Min-
only one of the city's monu- port Ukraine, sending prices to ease the crisis. providers must provide preg- ister Viktor Orban, portrays
Lights on the Eiffel Tower nant women with "a clearly itself as a champion of tradi-
will be turned off after the identifiable indication of fetal tional family values and has
last visitor leaves at 11:45 vital signs" before proceeding offered significant tax breaks
p.m., starting Sept. 23, Hi- with any abortion procedure. and subsidies for families
dalgo said. Other landmarks The regulation enters into that have multiple children
operated by the city, such as force on Sept. 15. in an effort to increase the
Saint-Jacques tower and City country's declining fertility
Hall, will be turned off at 10 In a statement on Monday, rate.
p.m. the Interior Ministry said
that "nearly two-thirds of The government also en-
For safety reasons, street- Hungarians associate the be- shrined in Hungary's 2011
lights will stay on across Paris ginning of a child's life with constitution that "the life of a
and the ornate bridges over the first heartbeat," and that fetus will be protected from
the Seine River also will re- modern equipment can de- conception," yet it hasn't
main illuminated at night, tect heartbeats early in preg- sought to significantly tight-
Hidalgo told reporters. nancy which can provide en abortion laws.