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world news Diaranson 14 september 2022
King cheered in Belfast, queen’s coffin to return to London
(AP) — Cheering crowds mother “felt deeply, I know,
greeted King Charles III the significance of the role
on Tuesday in Northern she herself played in bringing
Ireland, where the visit together those whom history
drew a rare moment of had separated, and in extend-
unity from politicians in ing a hand to make possible
a region with a contested the healing of long-held
British and Irish identity hurts.”
that is deeply divided over
the monarchy. He said he would draw on his
mother’s “shining example”
Hundreds of people lined the and “seek the welfare of all
street leading to Hillsbor- the inhabitants of Northern
ough Castle near Belfast, the Ireland.”
royal family’s official resi-
dence in Northern Ireland, Still, not everyone was wel-
in the latest outpouring of coming the new king.
affection following Queen
Elizabeth II’s death on Sept. Later, Charles and Northern
8. The area in front of the Ireland politicians are to at-
gates to the castle was car- tend a “service of reflection”
peted with hundreds of floral consider themselves British for the queen at St. Anne’s
tributes. and largely Roman Catholic Cathedral in Belfast.
nationalists who see them-
Charles and his wife Camilla, selves as Irish. The president and prime
the Queen Consort, got out minister of the neighboring
of their car to wave to the A deep sectarian divide re- Republic of Ireland also are
crowd and sometimes used mains, a quarter century af- due to attend, despite tense
both hands to reach out to ter Northern Ireland’s 1998 relations between Dublin and
villagers, including school- peace agreement. London over Brexit. Since
children in bright blue uni- Britain left the European
forms. Charles even petted For some Irish nationalists, Union in 2020, the U.K. and
a corgi — famously his late the British monarch repre- the EU have been wrangling
mother’s favorite breed of sents an oppressive foreign over trade rules for North-
dog — held up by one per- power. But others acknowl- ern Ireland, the only part of
son, and some chanted “God edge the queen’s role in the U.K. that shares a border
save the king!” forging peace. On a visit to with a member of the bloc.
Northern Ireland in 2012, In a sign of how far Northern Maskey expressed condo-
While there was a warm she shook hands with Sinn Ireland has come on the road lences to the king at an event On Monday night, Charles
welcome in Hillsborough, Fein deputy leader Martin to peace, representatives of in Hillsborough Castle at- and siblings Anne, Andrew
the British monarchy draws McGuinness, a former IRA Sinn Fein are attending com- tended by leaders from all and Edward briefly stood
mixed emotions in Northern commander – a once-un- memorative events for the the main political parties in vigil around their mother’s
Ireland, where there are two thinkable moment of recon- queen and meeting the king Northern Ireland. flag-draped coffin in St. Giles
main communities: mostly ciliation. on Tuesday. Cathedral as members of the
Protestant unionists who Charles responded that his public filed past.
UN sums up climate science: world heading in wrong direction
(AP) — With weather di- It comes amid fresh warnings er due to climate change, and to prevent further warming
sasters costing $200 mil- “There is nothing natural from scientists last week that data show that deaths from and adapt to the tempera-
lion a day and irreversible about the new scale of these four climate “tipping points” natural disasters are down in ture increases that are now
climate catastrophe loom- disasters. They are the price will likely be triggered if that recent years. Yet the econom- inevitable. Questions around
ing, the world is “heading of humanity’s fossil fuel ad- temperature threshold — set ic cost of climate-induced ca- compensation for the damage
in the wrong direction,” diction,” he said. “This year’s in the 2015 Paris climate ac- tastrophes is projected to rise that poor nations suffer as a
the United Nations says United in Science report cord — is passed. sharply. result of emissions produced
in a new report that pulls shows climate impacts head- by rich countries will play a
together the latest science ing into uncharted territories Many governments are al- The U.N. report says such major role at the upcoming
on climate change. of destruction.” ready trying to address the “losses and damages” can U.N. climate talks in Egypt
threat of more severe weath- be limited by timely action this fall.
The World Meteorological “Yet each year we double-
Organization, in the latest down on this fossil fuel ad-
stark warning about global diction, even as the symp-
warming, said weather-relat- toms get rapidly worse,” he
ed disasters have increased added.
fivefold over the last 50 years
and are killing 115 per day on The report, drawn from data
average – and the fallout is compiled by several U.N.
poised to worsen. agencies and partners, cited
a 48% chance that global
U.N. Secretary-General temperature rise compared
Antonio Guterres cited the to pre-industrial times will
floods in Pakistan, heat waves reach 1.5 degree Celsius (2.7
in Europe, droughts in places Fahrenheit) in the next five
such as China, the Horn of years. There’s a 93% percent
Africa, and the United States chance that one year in the
– and pointed the finger at next five will see record heat.
fossil fuels.