Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220914
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 14 september 2022
Malcolm X becomes 1st Black honoree in
Nebraska Hall of Fame
(AP) — Fifteen years after
being rejected as too con-
troversial, Malcolm X is
the first Black honoree to
be inducted into the Ne-
braska Hall of Fame.
The organization's commis-
sion selected the civil rights
icon on Monday with a 4-3
vote, edging out the late Uni-
versity of Nebraska educator
Southern California and author Louise Pound.
mudslides damage homes, "Malcolm X used the lessons
he learned early in life and his
carry away cars intellectual power, dedication years in prison, where he of Fame in 2004, but passed
and perseverance in the fight converted to Islam and later over by a commission made
for freedom and equality changed his name. up solely of white men who
for all during the civil rights instead selected a mid-1900s
(AP) — Cleanup efforts nardino Mountains com- movement in America," said He emerged as a fiery Nation U.S. senator who made a
and damage assessments munities under evacuation commission chairman Ron of Islam minister with a mes- name for himself with his
were underway Tuesday orders. Hull. "His work and his leg- sage that Black people should campaign to remove gay
east of Los Angeles after For some homes in For- acy continue to impact the cast off white oppression "by men from government posts
heavy rains unleashed est Falls, it was too late to citizens of the world." any means necessary," before in the 1940s and 1950s. The
mudslides in a moun- evacuate Monday and resi- later splitting from the Na- pick of Sen. Kenneth Wherry
tain area scorched by a dents were told to shelter Malcolm X was born Mal- tion of Islam and renouncing was later nixed because of an
wildfire two years ago, in place through the night colm Little in Omaha, Ne- racial separatism. open-meetings violation.
sending boulders across because it was safer than braska, in 1925 as the son of
roads, carrying away venturing out. a Baptist preacher. His family He was assassinated in Man- Malcolm X was passed over
cars and prompting left for Milwaukee the fol- hattan's Audubon Ballroom again in 2007 for little-known
evacuations and shelter- The rains were the rem- lowing year after threats from by gunmen who opened fire botanist Charles Bessey.
in-place orders. nants of a tropical storm the Ku Klux Klan. during a speaking engage-
that brought high winds ment. Each Nebraska Hall of Fame
Firefighters went street by and some badly needed At 20, he was convicted of member is immortalized
street to make sure no resi- rainfall to drought-stricken burglary in New York and The firebrand was first nom- with a bronze bust displayed
dents were trapped after Southern California last sentenced to nearly seven inated for Nebraska's Hall in the state Capitol.
mud flows began inundat- week, helping firefighters
ing roads Monday night largely corral a wildfire that
near the community of had been burning out of Spirit Airlines sets shareholder vote on
Forest Falls. Eric Sherwin, control about 20 miles (32
spokesperson for the San kilometers) south of the sale to JetBlue
Bernardino County Fire mudslides.
Department, said crews (AP) — Spirit Airlines has proval from U.S. antitrust shareholders.
hadn't found anyone who The mud flows and flash scheduled a shareholder regulators, a process that
needed to be rescued and flooding occurred in parts vote on JetBlue's proposed is expected to take several JetBlue leaders believe that
no one was reported miss- of the San Bernardino $3.7 billion acquisition of months. buying Spirit will give their
ing. Mountains where there are Spirit for Oct. 19. airline enough heft to be a
burn scars — areas where
Spirit's board approved a sale more formidable challenger
Multiple homes and other there's little vegetation to Investors who owned Spirit to JetBlue on July 28. Spirit to the dominant U.S. carri-
structures had varying lev- hold the soil — from the shares on Monday will be eli- leaders preferred a merger ers: American, United, Delta
els of damage, Sherwin 2020 wildfires. gible to vote, the airline said with Frontier Airlines, but and Southwest.
said, including a com- in a securities filing. that stock-and-cash deal,
mercial building where One of the 2020 blazes, worth far less, failed to gain The addition of Spirit's fleet
the mud was so high it the El Dorado Fire, was The sale would still need ap- enough support from Spirit would result in New York-
collapsed the roof. Rocks, sparked by a smoke device based JetBlue having around
dead trees and other debris used by a couple to reveal 450 planes and make it the
surged down slopes with their baby's gender. A fire- fifth-largest U.S. airline.
astonishing force in Forest fighter died and the couple
Falls, Oak Glen and Yucai- was charged with involun- Spirit shares were nearly
pa, he said. tary manslaughter.
unchanged at $22.93 in af-
ternoon trading Tuesday,
Social media video from The mudslides came after well below JetBlue's offer
Oak Glen showed a torrent a week that saw California of $33.50 per share plus a
of mud racing down a hill- endure a record-long heat- ticking fee to cover the time
side, across a road and into wave. regulators need to review the
a restaurant parking lot.
Scientists say climate deal.
Nearly 2 inches (5 cen- change has made the West Spirit started as a charter op-
timeters) of rain fell on warmer and drier over the erator and now operates as a
Yucaipa Ridge. Concerns last three decades and will so-called ultra-low-cost car-
about more thunderstorms continue to make weather rier that has low fares but
Tuesday prompted author- more extreme and wild- adds more fees than conven-
ities to keep about 2,000 fires more frequent and tional carriers. It is based in
homes in the San Ber- destructive.
Miramar, Florida.