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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 14 september 2022

                           US inflation still stubbornly high despite August slowdown

            (AP)  —  Lower  gas  costs                                                                                          Rosner-Warburton  pointed
            slowed  U.S.  inflation  for                                                                                        out. Furniture, rugs and new
            a  second  straight  month                                                                                          cars grew more expensive last
            in August, but most other                                                                                           month, suggesting that com-
            prices across the economy                                                                                           panies  are  still  raising  prices
            kept  rising  —  evidence                                                                                           in the face of strong consum-
            that  inflation  remains  a                                                                                         er demand.
            heavy  burden  for  Ameri-
            can households.                                                                                                     Ongoing  price  increases  for
                                                                                                                                raw  materials  —  and  labor
            Consumer  prices  surged                                                                                            — have left many small busi-
            8.3%  last  month  compared                                                                                         nesses  struggling.  Some  are
            with  a  year  earlier,  the  gov-                                                                                  raising  their  own  prices  to
            ernment said Tuesday, down                                                                                          keep  up,  only  to  then  lose
            from  an  8.5%  jump  in  July                                                                                      customers,  according  to  a
            and  a  four-decade  high  of                                                                                       survey  by  Goldman  Sachs
            9.1% in June. On a monthly                                                                                          10,000  Small  Business  Voic-
            basis, prices rose 0.1%, after a                                                                                    es.
            flat reading in July.
                                                                                                                                The  average  30-year  mort-
            But  excluding  the  volatile                                                                                       gage  rate  jumped  to  nearly
            food  and  energy  categories,                                                                                      5.9% last week, according to
            so-called core prices jumped                                                                                        mortgage buyer Freddie Mac,
            0.6%  from  July  to  August                                                                                        the  highest  figure  in  nearly
            — up sharply from 0.3% the                                                                                          14 years.
            previous  month  and  dash-  core  figures,  with  many  in-  job  growth  and  low  unem-  consumers, perhaps the most
            ing hopes, for now, that core  vestors  fearful  that  the  Fed-  ployment.  Grocery  prices  visible barometer of inflation  Wages  are  still  rising  at  a
            prices would moderate. And  eral  Reserve  will  turn  even  continue  to  rise  rapidly,  — could bolster Democrats’  strong pace — before adjust-
            in the year ending in August,  more  aggressive  in  its  drive  jumping  0.7%  from  July  to  prospects  in  the  midterm  ing for inflation — which has
            core prices jumped 6.3%, up  to  curb  inflation.  The  Dow  August. In the past year, they  elections. It may already have  elevated  demand  for  apart-
            from  5.9%  in  July.  Rents,  Jones industrial average sank  have soared 13.5% — the big-  contributed to slightly higher  ments as more people move
            medical  care  services  and  more than 800 points in early  gest 12-month increase since  public  approval  ratings  for  out on their own. A shortage
            new  cars  all  grew  more  ex-  trading.                 1979.                        Biden.                       of  available  houses  has  also
            pensive last month.                                                                                                 forced  more  people  to  keep
                                         Inflation is higher than many  Chicken prices have jumped  Nationally,  the  average  cost  renting,  thereby  intensifying
            Core prices typically provide  Americans  have  ever  expe-  nearly  17%  in  the  past  year.  of a gallon of gas has dropped  competition for apartments.
            a clearer read on where costs  rienced,  escalating  families’  And  egg  prices  surged  2.9%  to  $3.71,  down  from  just
            are headed than overall infla-  grocery bills, rents and utility  just in August from July and  above $5 in mid-June.  Rising rents and more expen-
            tion.  Stock  prices  tumbled  costs, among other expenses.  are  up  nearly  40%  from  a  But the prices of many other  sive services, such as medical
            and  bond  yields  jumped  on  It has deepened gloom about  year  ago.  At  the  same  time,  goods are still rising even as  care,  are  also  keeping  infla-
            the     worse-than-expected  the  economy  despite  strong  the drop in gas prices — for  supply  chain  snarls  unravel,  tion high.

                         EPA inspector general probes Mississippi capital water woes

            (AP)  —  An  independent  the  city  of  150,000  is  in  the  regulations, policies and pro-  Chokwe  Antar  Lumumba  sissippi  changed  the  qual-
            watchdog in the Environ-     seventh week of a boil-water  cedures for oversight of Jack-  was asked about the possibil-  ity of the raw water entering
            mental Protection Agency  advisory  because  the  state  son’s  water  system  and  ad-  ity of an EPA investigation.  Jackson’s  treatment  plants.
            said  Tuesday  it  is  investi-  health  department  found  ministration of federal grants                          That  slowed  the  treatment
            gating  the  troubled  wa-   cloudiness  in  the  water  that  under  the  Clean  Water  Act  “I’ve  had  city  employees  process, depleted supplies in
            ter system in Mississippi’s  could cause illness.         and Safe Drinking Water Act.  that have called and said that  water tanks and caused a pre-
            capital city.                                                                          someone  asked  them  some  cipitous drop in pressure.
                                         The EPA’s Office of Inspec-  “Given the magnitude of the  questions,”  Lumumba  said.
            Emergency  repairs  are  hap-  tor  General  issued  a  memo  water crisis in Jackson, Mis-  “I  just  shared  with  them  to  Even before the rain, officials
            pening  after  problems  at  Tuesday  saying  it  will  look  sissippi, it is critical that the  cooperate.”        said  some  water  pumps  had
            Jackson’s  main  water  treat-  into the response to the cri-  EPA OIG act with a sense of                          failed  and  a  treatment  plant
            ment plant caused most cus-  sis  by  EPA’s  regional  office,  urgency  to  understand  what  In 2018, the EPA’s inspector  was  using  backup  pumps.  A
            tomers to lose service for sev-  as well as city and state offi-  has  happened  in  that  com-  general called on the agency  cold snap in 2021 froze pipes
            eral  days  in  late  August  and  cials.  Investigators  will  con-  munity,”  the  inspector  gen-  to  strengthen  its  oversight  and left tens of thousands of
            early September.             duct  interviews,  gather  data  eral, Sean O’Donnell, said in  of  state  drinking  water  sys-  people without running wa-
            Water  is  flowing  again,  but  and analyze compliance with  a news release.          tems nationally and respond  ter.  Similar  problems  hap-
                                                                                                   more quickly to public health  pened  again  early  this  year,
                                                                      Like  many  cities,  Jackson  emergencies such as the lead-  on  a  smaller  scale.  Broken
                                                                      faces water system problems  in-the  water  crisis  in  Flint,  water  and  sewer  pipes  are
                                                                      it  can’t  afford  to  fix.  Its  tax  Michigan.  In  a  74-page  re-  also common.
                                                                      base has eroded the past few  port,  the  inspector  general
                                                                      decades as the population de-  pointed to “oversight lapses”  The  EPA  issued  a  notice  in
                                                                      creased — the result of most-  at  the  federal,  state  and  lo-  January  that  Jackson’s  sys-
                                                                      ly white flight to suburbs that  cal  levels  in  the  response  to  tem violates the federal Safe
                                                                      began  after  public  schools  Flint’s  contaminated  drink-  Drinking  Water  Act.  The
                                                                      integrated in 1970. The city’s  ing water.                agency  noted  that  an  April
                                                                      population is now more than                               2021  electrical  panel  fire  at
                                                                      80%  Black,  with  about  25%  In  Jackson,  the  National  the  main  water  treatment
                                                                      of its residents living in pov-  Guard and volunteer groups  plant knocked all five pumps
                                                                      erty.                        have  distributed  millions  out  of  service,  causing  low
                                                                                                   of  bottles  of  drinking  water  water pressure. An inspection
                                                                      During  a  news  conference  since late August, when tor-  six  months  later  found  the
                                                                      Monday,    Jackson   Mayor  rential rainfall in central Mis-  pumps still weren’t working.
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