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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 24 aPriL 2021

                                 Jill Biden to visit tribal school still teaching remotely

            (AP)  —  A  small  grade  the vast reservation — which  operates  less  than  one-third  dow Rock area, was standing
            school on the outskirts of  extends  into  Arizona,  New  of  them.  Hunters  Point  is  alongside the road Thursday
            the Navajo Nation capital  Mexico and a corner of Utah  among  those  run  by  tribes  hoping to get a glimpse of Jill
            is ready for students to re-  —  and  her  inaugural  visit  or tribal organizations under  Biden.  She's  hopeful  Biden,
            turn.                        as  first  lady.  She  vowed  to  contract with the federal gov-  who also is an educator, will
                                         work  with  the  Navajo  Na-  ernment.                    understand  the  challenges
            Staff at Hunters Point Board-  tion and all tribal nations, in                         teachers  on  the  reservation
            ing  School  in  St.  Michaels  a recognition of their inher-  The  schools  have  a  tainted  have encountered during the
            have  repainted  the  build-  ent  sovereignty  and  political  19th  century  legacy  from  pandemic.
            ing,  upgraded  the  washer  relationship with the United  when Native American chil-
            and  dryer  in  the  dorms,  in-  States.                 dren  were  taken  from  their  “We’ve  been  so  stressed  out
            stalled a security gate, placed  Genevieve Jackson, who sits  homes  and  sent  to  boarding  and  overworked,”  Denzpi  equipment for teachers to in-
            plexiglass  between  beds  and  on  the  school  board  in  St.  schools. They are among the  said. “It’s like being a front-  struct remotely.
            installed  hand-washing  sta-  Michaels, said on windy days,  nation’s  lowest  performing,  line  worker,  we’re  the  un-
            tions.                       the internet is “questionable”  and  have  struggled  with  is-  sung  heroes.  I  just  wish  the  The  Navajo  Tribal  Utility
                                         and  has  caused  delays  for  sues such as shoddy facilities.  kids  were  back  in  the  class-  Authority  estimates  that  ex-
            Now, they are ready to show  standardized,  online  testing.                           rooms.”                      panding broadband across the
            it off and talk about what else  Some  of  the  school's  equip-  Few people have been on the                       27,000-square  mile  (70,000
            they can use as First Lady Jill  ment dates back more than a  Hunters Point campus in the  Biden  is  expected  to  meet  square-kilometer)   reserva-
            Biden  wraps  up  a  three-day  half-century, she said.   past year amid the pandemic.  with  a  handful  of  students  tion  would  cost  more  than
            tour  on  Friday  of  the  U.S.                                                        before  visiting  a  vaccination  $220 million. Tribal lawmak-
            Southwest.  High  on  the  list  “We  are  a  very  poor  nation  Across  the  Navajo  Nation,  site Friday.        ers like Daniel Tso said they
            is internet service and a new  and  (Joe  Biden)  recognizes  students  have  been  learning                        realize they need to be more
            building  to  replace  the  one  that  we're  an  impoverished  remotely,  some  given  flash  In  a  normal  year,  students  systematic in how to allocate
            built in the 1960s.          nation,” she said. “We're rich  drives  with  school  work  or  at Hunters Point stay in the  the next round of federal vi-
                                         in culture and our teachings,  paper packets if they have no  dorms  during  the  week  and  rus relief funding.
            Biden  spent  the  first  day  of  but  we  need  to  catch  up  to  access  to  computers.  School  are  bussed  home  on  the
            her  trip  to  the  Navajo  Na-  the modern day of 2021. We  buses  have  become  Wi-Fi  weekends. Many come from  Jackson  said  she's  hopeful
            tion on Thursday listening to  need to be at par with all of  hotspots  and  delivered  food  single-parent  families  who  students  at  Hunters  Point
            female  tribal  leaders  whom  the other private schools. We  to  students'  homes  or  at  a  struggle  financially,  Jackson  can return in the fall with the
            she referred to as her “sister  feel like we've been left out."  central  location  when  they  said.               same  opportunities  as  stu-
            warriors”  about  the  broader                            couldn't  navigate  dirt  roads                           dents in bigger cities.
            needs on the country’s larg-  Hunters  Point  falls  under  that turn into a muddy, rutted  The  school  that  serves  kin-
            est Native American reserva-  the  U.S.  Bureau  of  Educa-  mess when it rains or snows.  dergarten  to  fifth  grade  has  “We  are  producing  tomor-
            tions.                       tion,  which  oversees  more                              used  money  from  a  federal  row's leaders, so we all share
                                         than  180  schools  in  nearly  Virgilynn Denzpi, an educa-  virus  relief  package  to  pro-  that  dream  and  hope,”  she
            The  trip  is  Biden’s  third  to  two dozen states but directly  tor  at  a  school  in  the  Win-  vide laptops for students, and  said.

                            Parents sue father accused of hiding Kristin Smart's body

            (AP)  —  The  parents  of  missing  California  investigators said they found “biological evidence”  Her body has never been found.
            college  student  Kristin  Smart  on  Thursday  indicating  Smart  had  been  buried  under  Ruben
            sued the father of the man charged with kill-   Flores’  deck  behind  his  home  in  nearby  Arroyo  Defense  lawyers  have  criticized  evidence  against
            ing their daughter nearly 25 years ago.         Grande  and  was  recently  moved,  according  to  a  the father and son as flimsy and based on hearsay
                                                            court document.                                 and speculation.
            The lawsuit filed in San Luis Obispo County Supe-
            rior Court said Smart's body was buried in Ruben  The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for inten-  Paul Flores was the last person seen with Smart on
            Flores's backyard and he moved the body “under  tionally causing emotional distress by helping his  May 25, 1996, at California Polytechnic State Uni-
            cover of darkness” to another location a few days  son  cover  up  the  crime.  It  said  Flores  got  help  versity in San Luis Obispo, where they were both
            after investigators searched his property in Febru-  moving the body from two unnamed accomplices  freshmen. Prosecutors said he killed Smart while
            ary 2020.                                       who will later be added as defendants in the case.  trying to rape her in his dorm room after he had
                                                                                                            agreed to walk her home from a party, where she
            Ruben Flores, 80, pleaded not guilty to accessory  “Had Kristin’s remains not been hidden, re-hidden  had gotten intoxicated.
            after murder on Monday, and his son, Paul Flores,  and  then  moved  yet  again,  it  is  reasonably  likely
            44, pleaded not guilty to murder.               (her parents) could have been reunited with the re-  The  case  has  long  been  a  mystery  on  the  scenic
                                                            mains of their daughter and would have been per-  Central  Coast.  A  billboard  featuring  a  photo  of
            The father and son were arrested last week after  mitted the opportunity to conduct a burial service  Smart smiling and offering a $75,000 reward for
                                                            at which their daughter could be laid to rest in a  finding her has served as a constant reminder of
                                                            place of honor and dignity, as opposed to the pres-  her disappearance in the town of Arroyo Grande
                                                            ent circumstances where their daughter’s body was  where  the  Flores  family  lives  just  a  short  drive
                                                            discarded like human garbage,” the lawsuit said.  from the campus.

                                                            Attorney  James  Murphy  Jr.  did  not  say  how  he  Denise and Stan Smart, who live in Stockton, sued
                                                            learned about when the body was moved.          Paul Flores in 1996. A judge has put that case on
                                                                                                            indefinite hold because the investigation into her
                                                            Ruben Flores was released Wednesday on $50,000  death has been ongoing since she vanished. They
                                                            bail.                                           also sued Cal Poly, though that lawsuit fizzled be-
                                                                                                            cause  the  university  had  immunity  as  a  govern-
                                                            His  defense  lawyer,  Harold  Mesick,  declined  to  ment entity, Murphy said.
                                                            comment on the lawsuit, citing a gag order in the
                                                            criminal case.                                  Murphy, who has been on the case for more than
                                                                                                            half of his 46-year legal career, said he was in tears
                                                            Prosecutors  had  argued  he  shouldn't  be  released  over the arrests and savoring the idea of being able
                                                            because he had spent nearly a quarter century help-  to witness the outcome after so many years.
                                                            ing his son cover up the crime and was likely to
                                                            continue to hide Smart's remains.               “To still be practicing and watch the final chapter
                                                                                                            unfold is the greatest reward for me,” Murphy said.
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