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A32    sports
                     Diasabra 24 aPriL 2021

                           Lakers star Davis rusty in return, scores 4 in half vs. Mavs

                                                                      calf  and  heel  issues  before  Davis  was  shut  down  after  ence.  LA  started  the  night
                                                                      starting the first of LA's two  a 122-105 loss at Denver on  three  games  out  of  fourth
                                                                      consecutive  games  against  Feb.  14,  when  Davis  played  place and home-court advan-
                                                                      the  Mavericks  on  Thursday  just 14 minutes in a 122-105  tage in the first round of the
                                                                      night.                       loss that started a slide of five  playoffs.
                                                                                                   losses in six games.
                                                                      Davis  also  missed  two  free                            The  28-year-old  who's  in
                                                                      throws  while  going  2  of  10  “He’s  going  to  need  his  get  his ninth season has said he
                                                                      from the field. The big man  his  legs  under  him  as  to  be  was worried about tearing his
                                                                      settled for jumpers, but also  expected,”  Vogel  said  before  right Achilles tendon, which
                                                                      couldn't  convert  at  the  rim  the  Dallas  game.  “You  can't  was part of the reason he was
                                                                      twice while playing nearly 17  simulate NBA action. That's  shut down and has been out
                                                                      minutes. Coach Frank Vogel  what  tonight's  going  to  be  for so long. The Lakers want-
                                                                      said the plan was to play Da-  about.  That's  what  the  next  ed to make sure their star was
                                                                      vis  about  15  minutes,  all  in  few  games  are  going  to  be  completely healthy.
                                                                      the first half.              about.  This  is  an  important
            (AP)  —  Anthony  Davis  eight  of  10  shots  in  the                                 first step for sure.”        Davis  entered  the  game  av-
            was  rusty  in  the  return  first half against the Dal-  LA plays Dallas again Satur-                              eraging  22.5  points  and  8.4
            from  the  longest  absence  las Mavericks.               day night. Fellow star LeBron  The  Lakers  are  14-16  since  rebounds  per  game.  James
            of  the  eight-time  All-                                 James is still at least a couple  Davis last played, and the de-  has been out since March 20.
            Star's NBA career, scoring  The  Lakers  star  missed  the  of  weeks  of  returning  from  fending NBA champions are  The Lakers are 7-9 since both
            four points while missing  previous 30 games with right  an ankle injury.              fifth in the Western Confer-  stars were sidelined.

                        Former Kentucky guard Terrence Clarke dies in LA car crash

            (AP)  —  Kentucky  fresh-    PDT.
            man     guard     Terrence
            Clarke died Thursday fol-    Matassa said surveillance vid-
            lowing  a  car  accident  in  eo showed that Clarke collid-
            Los Angeles. He was 19.      ed with another vehicle pre-
                                         paring to turn left, hit a street
            The  university  announced  light  pole  and  then  a  block
            Clarke’s  death  in  a  release  wall.  Clarke  was  taken  to
            Thursday night, but did not  Northridge Hospital Medical
            include  any  more  details.  and later pronounced dead.
            Coach John Calipari said he
            was  “absolutely  gutted  and  Matassa said the other driver,
            sick  tonight”  and  called  the  who was in a truck, did not
            player “a beautiful kid, some-  claim  any  injuries.  Clarke
            one  who  owned  the  room  was driving a 2021 Hyundai
            with  his  personality,  smile  Genesis and not wearing his
            and joy.”                    seat  belt  properly,  according
                                         to Matassa.
            “We are all in shock,” Calipari
            said. "I am on my way to Los  The 6-foot-7 Clarke entered
            Angeles to be with his moth-  the NBA draft last month af-
            er  and  his  brother  to  help  ter playing in just eight games
            wherever I can. This will be  last season because of a right
            a difficult period for all those  leg  injury.  He  averaged  9.6
            who know and love Terrence,  points and 2.6 rebounds.
            and I would ask that everyone
            take a moment tonight to say  On  Wednesday,  Clarke  and   highlighted  by  a  career-best  Clarke  announced  his  deci-  Clarke  was  familiar  to  the
            a prayer for Terrence and his  former  Kentucky  teammate   22  points  in  a  loss  to  Geor-  sion to enter the NBA draft  Celtics,  their  players  and
            family. May he rest in peace.”  Brandon  Boston  Jr.  signed   gia Tech on Dec. 6. The in-  on March 19 and lamented in  even Stevens’ son.
                                         with  Klutch  Sports  Group.   jury ultimately sidelined him  a release that he didn’t expect
            Los  Angeles  Police  Depart-  Agency  CEO  Rich  Paul  an-  for  the  entire  Southeastern  to be injured. But he under-  “Not sure how much I want
            ment Sergeant John Matassa,  nounced on Twitter that “we   Conference   regular-season  stood that it was “part of the  to talk about the game, when
            who works in the Valley Traf-  are saddened and devastated”   schedule, though he returned  game”  and  thanked  Calipari  you  consider  he’s  a  Boston
            fic Division, told ESPN that  by Clarke's passing and called   to post three assists and two  and teammates among many.  kid  ...  those  kids  are  impor-
            Clarke was a solo occupant in  him  "an  incredibly  hard-  points  off  the  bench  in  the                        tant to us here,” Stevens said.
            a vehicle that ran a red light  working young man."       Wildcats’  SEC  Tournament  Celtics  coach  Brad  Stevens  “I  never  met  him.  My  son
            going “at a very high rate of                             loss to Mississippi State that  heard reports about the crash  looks up to him. Hard to talk
            speed”  in  the  San  Fernando  From Boston, Clarke started   ended a 9-16 season.     and  Clarke’s  death  shortly  about a basketball game.”
            Valley  area  of  Los  Angeles  Kentucky’s  first  six  games                          after his team beat the Phoe-
            at  approximately  2:10  p.m.  and was one of its top scorers,   Despite  his  limited  action,  nix Suns on Thursday night.

                            Western Force qualify for Super Rugby Australia playoffs

             (AP) — The Western Force quali-    The Force trailed 21-7 late in the first  The Force won the final scrum of the  weekend. The winner of that match
            fied for the Super Rugby Austra-    half of Friday night’s match but took  match after the siren sounded before  will meet the Reds in the grand final.
            lia playoffs after three tries from  the  lead  in  the  74th  minute  despite  kicking the ball out to secure the win.
            Jordan  Olowofela  led  them  to  a  being  down  to  14  men.  The  Reds                                   The  Melbourne  Rebels,  who  take
            30-27 victory over the Queensland  twice turned down a penalty straight  The  result  means  the  Force  finish  on  the  New  South  Wales  Waratahs
            Reds.                               in front of the posts in order to go for  third and they will take on the ACT  in Sydney on Saturday, now have no
                                                the win.                            Brumbies in a semifinal match next  hope of making the playoffs.
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