Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210424
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A30     world news
                     Diasabra 24 aPriL 2021

                           Frantic search for missing Indonesian sub as air dwindles

                                                                      two days.                    Staff  Adm.  Yudo  Margono  during maneuvers in the Bar-
                                                                                                   said  oil  could  have  spilled  ents Sea. Most of its 118 crew
                                                                      An American reconnaissance  from  a  crack  in  the  subma-  died  instantly,  but  23  men
                                                                      plane was expected to join the  rine’s  fuel  tank  or  the  crew  fled  to  a  rear  compartment
                                                                      search Saturday and a second  could have released fuel and  before they later died, mainly
                                                                      Australian ship was due soon.  fluids  to  reduce  the  vessel’s  of suffocation. In November
                                                                                                   weight so it could surface.  2017,  an  Argentine  subma-
                                                                      “These  two  Australian  ships  Margono said an unidentified  rine  went  missing  with  44
                                                                      will  help  expand  the  search  object  exhibiting  high  mag-  crew members in the South
                                                                      area and extend the duration  netism was located at a depth  Atlantic, almost a year before
                                                                      of the search effort,” Austra-  of  50  to  100  meters  (165  to  its  wreckage  was  found  at  a
                                                                      lian  Navy  Rear  Adm.  Mark  330  feet)  and  officials  held  depth  of  800  meters  (2,625
                                                                      Hammond said.                out hope it is the submarine.  feet).
                                                                      Singaporean  and  Malaysian
                                                                      rescue  ships  were  also  ex-  The  navy  said  it  believes,  But  in  2005,  seven  men
            (AP)  —  Indonesia's  navy  Achmad Riad told reporters.   pected in the coming days.   however, that the submarine  aboard  a  Russian  mini-sub
            scoured  the  waters  off                                                              sank  to  a  depth  of  600-700  were  rescued  nearly  three
            Bali  on  Friday,  bolstered  There have been no signs of  Indonesian  President  Joko  meters  (2,000-2,300  feet),  days  after  their  vessel  was
            by  the  arrival  of  a  sonar-  life from the submarine, but  Widodo  canceled  a  visit  to  much deeper than its collapse  snagged  by  fishing  nets  and
            equipped  Australian  war-   family  members  held  out  Banyuwangi  port,  where  depth,  at  which  water  pres-  cables  in  the  Pacific  Ocean.
            ship  with  a  helicopter,  in  hope that the massive search  some  rescue  ships  left  ear-  sure  would  be  greater  than  They  had  only  six  hours  of
            an  increasingly  frantic  effort  would  find  the  vessel  lier, to prepare for a weekend  the  hull  could  withstand.  oxygen  left  before  reaching
            search  for  a  missing  sub-  in time.                   regional  summit  in  Jakarta,  The  vessel’s  collapse  depth  the surface.
            marine  with  only  hours                                 officials said. He asked Indo-  was estimated at 200 meters
            left  in  its  oxygen  supply  “The family is in a good con-  nesians to pray for the crew’s  (655 feet) by a South Korean  The  German-built  diesel-
            for its 53 crewmembers.      dition  and  keeps  praying,"  safe  return,  while  ordering  company  that  refitted  the  powered  KRI  Nanggala  402
                                         said Ratih Wardhani, the sis-  all-out  efforts  to  locate  the  vessel in 2009-2012.  has been in service in Indo-
            The KRI Nanggala 402 went  ter  of  49-year-old  crewman  submarine.                                                nesia since 1981 and was car-
            missing after its last reported  Wisnu Subiyantoro. “We are                            The  cause  of  the  disappear-  rying 49 crew members and
            dive  Wednesday  off  the  re-  optimistic that the Nanggala  “Our  main  priority  is  the  ance  is  still  uncertain.  The  three  gunners  as  well  as  its
            sort  island,  and  concern  is  can  be  rescued  with  all  the  safety  of  the  53  crew  mem-  navy  has  said  an  electrical  commander,  the  Indonesian
            mounting  it  may  have  sunk  crew.”                     bers,” Widodo said in a tele-  failure  could  have  left  the  Defense Ministry said.
            too deep to reach or recover                              vised  address  on  Thursday.  submarine unable to execute
            in time. The navy chief said  Twenty-four     Indonesian  “To  the  family  of  the  crew  emergency procedures to re-  Indonesia,  the  world’s  larg-
            the  submarine  was  expected  ships and a patrol plane were  members,  I  can  understand  surface.                est  archipelago  nation  with
            to  run  out  of  oxygen  early  mobilized  for  the  search  your feelings and we are do-                          more than 17,000 islands, has
            Saturday morning.            Friday,  focusing  on  the  area  ing our best to save all crew  Submarine  accidents  are  of-  faced  growing  challenges  to
                                         where an oil slick was found  members on board.”          ten disastrous.              its maritime claims in recent
            “We will maximize the effort  after  the  submarine  disap-                                                         years,  including  numerous
            today,  until  the  time  limit  peared  during  an  exercise.  There’s  been  no  conclusive  In 2000, the Russian nuclear  incidents  involving  Chinese
            tomorrow  at  3  a.m.,”  mili-  Rescuers  made  similar  mas-  evidence  the  oil  slick  was  submarine  Kursk  suffered  vessels  near  the  Natuna  is-
            tary spokesperson Maj. Gen.  sive searches in the previous  from the sub. Navy Chief of  internal explosions and sank  lands.

                             130 Europe-bound migrants feared dead off Libyan coast

              (AP)  —  More  than  100  at  least  ten  bodies  near  the  ten  pack  desperate  families  tion,  leaving  it  solely  in  the  tinued to search, but visibil-
            Europe-bound  migrants  wreck.                            into   ill-equipped   rubber  hands  of  the  Libyan  Coast  ity  was  low  and  seas  rough.
            are feared dead in a ship-                                boats  that  stall  and  founder  Guard.                  He  said  the  vessel  eventu-
            wreck off Libya, indepen-    “We  think  of  the  lives  that  along  the  perilous  Central                        ally  returned  to  port  so  that
            dent rescue groups said, in  have  been  lost  and  of  the  Mediterranean route.      Libya  Coast  Guard  Spokes-  the  other  migrants  onboard
            the latest loss of life as at-  families  who  might  never                            man  Commander  Masoud  could  receive  medical  atten-
            tempts to cross the Medi-    have certainty as to what hap-  “These are the human conse-  Ibrahim  Masoud  described  tion.
            terranean increase during  pened to their loved ones,” it  quences of policies which fail  allegations that they had been
            the warmer months.           said in a statement.         to  uphold  international  law  negligent as untrue.      In the meantime, he said Lib-
                                         The migrant traffic has raised  and the most basic of human-  “We  coordinated  the  search  yan  authorities  asked  three
            Humanitarian  organizations  the  question  among  Euro-  itarian  imperatives,”  tweeted  operation,” he told The Asso-  merchant  ships  and  Ocean
            have  accused  the  Libyan  pean  Union  countries  and  Eugenio  Ambrosi,  Chief  of  ciated Press. “The ships kept  Viking to look for the missing
            coast  guard  and  European  Libya over who is responsible  Staff  for  the  International  searching in the sea for more  rubber boat, until the Libyan
            authorities of failing to meet  for saving those at sea.  Organization for Migration.  than 24 hours but the waves  patrol vessel could join them
            their  responsibilities  to  save  The  European  humanitar-  Alarm  Phone,  a  crisis  hot-  were very rough.”     again.
            lives.  A  Libyan  coast  guard  ian  organization  said  that  line  for  migrants  in  distress
            official  told  The  Associated  those missing will likely join  in  the  Mediterranean,  said  Masoud  told  the  AP  that  In  recent  years,  the  Euro-
            Press  that  they  searched  for  the  350  people  who  have  that  it  had  been  in  contact  the  Libyan  coast  guard  had  pean  Union  has  partnered
            the boat but could not find it  drowned in the sea so far this  with  the  boat  in  distress  for  received  around  noon  on  with Libya’s coast guard and
            with their limited resources.  year. It accused governments  nearly  ten  hours  before  it  Wednesday two rescue alerts  other  local  groups  to  stem
            SOS  Mediterranee,  which  of  failing  to  provide  search  capsized.  Alarm  Phone  said  from  two  different  rubber  such dangerous sea crossings.
            operates  the  rescue  ves-  and rescue operations.       in a statement that it had no-  boats  in  distress  to  the  east  Rights  groups,  however,  say
            sel  Ocean  Viking,  said  late  In  the  years  since  the  2011  tified  European  and  Libyan  of  Tripoli.  A  patrol  vessel  those policies leave migrants
            Thursday  that  the  capsized  NATO-backed uprising that  authorities of the GPS posi-  was  immediately  dispatched  at the mercy of armed groups
            rubber  boat,  which  was  ini-  ousted  and  killed  longtime  tion of the boat but only non-  and  rescued  106  migrants,  or confined in squalid deten-
            tially  carrying  around  130  dictator  Moammar  Gadhafi,  state  rescue  groups  actively  including  women  and  chil-  tion centers rife with abuses.
            people,  was  spotted  in  the  war-torn  Libya  has  emerged  searched for it.        dren,  who  were  aboard  one  “We  are  not  as  equipped  as
            Mediterranean Sea northeast  as the dominant transit point                             of the two boats. Two bodies  the  US  coast  guard  and  the
            of the Libyan capital, Tripoli.  for migrants fleeing war and  Alarm Phone accused Euro-  were  also  pulled  out  of  the  support we get from the EU
            The  aid  vessel  did  not  find  poverty  in  Africa  and  the  pean  authorities  of  refusing  water near the capsized boat.  does  not  meet  our  needs,”
            any  survivors,  but  could  see  Middle  East.  Smugglers  of-  to coordinate a search opera-  He said the same vessel con-  said Masoud.
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