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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 24 aPriL 2021

                      Southeast Asian summit to address Myanmar's post-coup crisis

            (AP) — When the 10-mem-                                                                                             effectively coordinate actions
            ber Association of South-                                                                                           such  as  arms  embargoes  to
            east Asian Nations holds a                                                                                          pressure the junta, but Russia
            special  summit  Saturday                                                                                           and  China,  major  weapons
            to  discuss  Myanmar,  the                                                                                          suppliers to the junta, would
            regional body will be un-                                                                                           veto such moves.
            der  as  much  scrutiny  as
            the  general  who  led  the                                                                                         Western  nations  have  al-
            February  coup  ousting                                                                                             ready  enacted  targeted  sanc-
            the elected government of                                                                                           tions against members of the
            Aung San Suu Kyi.                                                                                                   junta  and  businesses  giving
                                                                                                                                them  financial  support,  but
            Opponents  of  the  junta  are                                                                                      Myanmar’s past military gov-
            furious  that  ASEAN  is  wel-                                                                                      ernments  have  successfully
            coming its chief, Senior Gen.                                                                                       stood  up  to  such  pressures,
            Min  Aung  Hlaing,  to  its                                                                                         and would be expected to do
            meeting  in  the  Indonesian                                                                                        so again, especially with sup-
            capital of Jakarta, arguing that                                                                                    port from Beijing.
            because  he  seized  power  by
            force,  he  is  not  Myanmar’s                                                                                      ASEAN  prefers  quiet  diplo-
            legitimate leader. Also weigh-                                                                                      macy to intimidation, seeking
            ing heavily against him is the                                                                                      incremental gains. Even get-
            lethal violence perpetrated by                                                                                      ting the two Myanmar sides
            the  security  forces  he  com-                                                                                     to  talk  to  each  other  could
            mands, responsible for killing                                                                                      take some time, acknowledg-
            hundreds of largely peaceful                                                                                        es Laksmana.
            protesters and bystanders.
                                         Evan Laksmana, a researcher  laysia and Singapore, believes  Rodrigo  Duterte  both  an-  “I  think  the  gravity  of  the
            “Min Aung Hlaing, who fac-   for  Indonesia’s  Centre  for  the instability engendered by  nounced they will stay home  situation  on  the  ground  is
            es international sanctions for  Strategic  and  International  the coup threatens the entire  and  send  their  foreign  min-  as such now that there is no
            his role in military atrocities  Studies,  a  think  tank  with  region  as  well  as  ASEAN’s  isters in their stead, but they  space or even willingness for
            and the brutal crackdown on  close  government  ties,  told  credibility as a group power-  are dealing with serious CO-  dialogue until we end the vi-
            pro-democracy    protesters,  The Associated Press there is  ful  enough  to  act  indepen-  VID-19 outbreaks, obscuring  olence,” he said.
            should  not  be  welcomed  at  a very practical reason for en-  dently  of  big  power  influ-  any political message in their
            an intergovernmental gather-  gaging Min Aung Hlaing face  ence.                       decisions.                   “So  I  think  the  first  steps
            ing to address a crisis he cre-  to face.                                                                           would be to what extent can
            ated,” said Brad Adams, Asia                              They also point out that the  “It is more difficult to com-  ASEAN  facilitate  the  ob-
            director for New York-based  ASEAN recognizes “the real-  ASEAN  Charter  —  adopted  municate on a personal level  servance  of  a  humanitarian
            Human Rights Watch.          ity is that one party is doing  in  2007,  40  years  after  the  between the leaders without  pause first and then the deliv-
                                         the  violence,  which  is  the  group’s founding — includes  the  leaders  being  present  ery of the humanitarian aid,”
            “ASEAN  members  should  military,  and  therefore  that’s  democracy,  human  rights,  fully,  particularly  with  re-  he said. Only after that might
            instead take this opportunity  why  the  military  is  being  good governance and rule of  gards to the prime minister of  a forum be possible where all
            to impose targeted, economic  called to the meeting. So this  law as guiding principles.  Thailand,  whom  we  believe  the stakeholders could talk.
            sanctions  on  junta  leaders  is not in any way conferring                            to  have  the  best  relation-
            and  on  businesses  that  fund  legitimacy to the military re-  “Now  is  a  grave  time  for  ship with the current senior  A Southeast Asian diplomat,
            the junta, and press the junta  gime,” he said.           ASEAN’s  much-touted  cen-   general from Myanmar,” ob-   speaking  on  condition  of
            to  release  political  detain-                           trality,  the  idea  that  ASEAN  served Indonesia’s Laksmana.  anonymity because he is not
            ees,  end  abuses,  and  restore  By  talking  to  the  general,  is a central regional platform                    authorized  to  speak  to  the
            the  country’s  democratically  ASEAN  hopes  to  initiate  a  for  regional  dialogue,  for  He  believes  ASEAN  has  a  media, said another opening
            elected government.”         longer-term process, starting  promoting peace and stability  unique opportunity to engage  move is under consideration.
                                         with ending the violence, that  in the region,” said Prof. Thi-  productively  with  Myan-  This  would  involve  hav-
            The  junta’s  foes  have  pro-  will “hopefully help facilitate  tinan Pongsudhirak, director  mar’s  ruling  junta  “because  ing  ASEAN's  current  chair-
            moted  the  idea  that  the  op-  dialogue among all the stake-  of  the  Institute  of  Security  right  now  there  is  no  other  man, Brunei Prime Minister
            position’s  parallel  National  holders in Myanmar, not just  and  International  Studies  at  option on the table.”  Hassanal  Bolkiah,  travel  to
            Unity Government, recently  (with) the military regime.”  Bangkok’s    Chulalongkorn  “We  haven’t  seen  any  prog-  Myanmar  for  meetings  with
            established  by  the  elected                             University. He said that con-  ress from the U.N. Security  the  military  leadership  and
            lawmakers  the  army  barred  Indonesian Foreign Minister  ception  of  ASEAN  is  now  Council, for example. There  Suu  Kyi’s  camp  to  encour-
            from  being  seated,  should  Retno Marsudi said at a news  facing “its most severe, grave  is no collective effort by oth-  age  dialogue.  He  would  go
            represent  Myanmar,  or  at  conference  Friday  that  her  challenge” in 53 years of ex-  er countries. This is it. This  there with ASEAN Secretary
            least have some role in the Ja-  country  hopes  the  ASEAN  istence.                  is  the  first  potential  break-  General Lim Jock Hoi — also
            karta meeting. It has not been  leaders  will  reach  an  agree-                       through  for  the  current  cri-  from  Brunei  —  if  the  junta
            invited.                     ment  that  is  good  for  the  Member   countries   with  sis,”  he  told  The  Associated  gives them the nod.
                                         people of Myanmar.           more  authoritarian  regimes  Press.
            “It’s  unacceptable  that  they                           — Laos, Cambodia and Viet-                                ASEAN-style      diplomacy
            invite this murderer-in-chief,  But  skeptics  feel  ASEAN  nam  —  see  little  benefit  in  U.N.  specialized  agencies  with  Myanmar  has  borne
            Min  Aung  Hlaing,  who  has  faces basic problems in seek-  paying more than lip service  and experts have been active  fruit in the past. The military
            just  killed  more  than  730  ing to resolve Myanmar’s cri-  to  such  principles,  and  have  in  criticizing  the  coup  and  regime in charge in 2008 was
            people  in  Myanmar,  and  I  sis. They point to the diver-  treated  Myanmar’s  crisis  as  the junta’s crackdown. U.N.  incapable of mounting suffi-
            think  it  is  very  unfortunate  gent  interests  of  the  group’s  its own internal matter.  Special  Envoy  on  Myanmar  cient rescue and recovery ef-
            that they, again and again, talk  members,  its  longstanding                          Christine Schraner Burgener  forts in the wake of devastat-
            to  the  military  generals  and  conventions  of  seeking  con-  The Jakarta meeting is a hy-  will not take part in ASEAN’s  ing  Cyclone  Nargis,  but  re-
            not  to  the  civilian  govern-  sensus and avoiding interfer-  brid  one,  with  onsite  atten-  deliberations,  but  intends  to  fused to open up the country
            ment  of  Myanmar,  which  is  ence  in  each  other’s  affairs,  dance encouraged but virtual  take part in sideline consulta-  to an international aid effort.
            the  NUG,”  says  the  parallel  and the historic obstinacy of  participation by video an op-  tions. The junta has rejected  ASEAN  took  the  initiative
            government’s Minister of In-  Myanmar’s generals.         tion  because  of  the  corona-  her repeated requests to visit  in  offering  to  open  a  chan-
            ternational Cooperation, Dr.                              virus  pandemic.  Thai  Prime  Myanmar.                   nel for foreign assistance, and
            Sasa, who uses one name.     One  faction  in  the  group,  Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha                              the much-needed aid started
                                         comprising  Indonesia,  Ma-  and  Philippine  President  The  Security  Council  could  flowing.
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