Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210409
P. 30
A30 world news
Diabierna 9 aPriL 2021
A year after pandemic hit, Haiti awaits vaccines amid apathy
PCR test kits and 75,000 rap-
id antigen tests, along with
instruction on lab diagnosis
and virus detection. It also
supplied thermometers, PPE
and other items including
megaphones and batteries as
workers fanned out into ru-
ral areas. In addition, PAHO
trained more than 2,800
health workers in Haiti and
met with community leaders
including Voodoo priests and
traditional birth attendants to
share information about pro-
tective measures and treat-
ment centers.
In May 2020, the organiza-
tion’s director said she was
particularly concerned about
the effects of a potential
large-scale outbreak given
Haiti's frail health care sys-
tem and the fact that many
live in overcrowded house-
holds and lack access to clean
water. But perplexed experts
say that anticipated outbreak
has not happened.
“It’s a surprise to a lot of peo-
(AP) — Haiti does not Meanwhile, a human rights Haiti's lack of vaccines comes lated, despite educational ple,” said Aline Serin, head of
have a single vaccine to research center cited in a new as it reports more than 12,700 campaigns. In addition, some mission in Haiti for the in-
offer its more than 11 mil- U.S. State Department report cases and 250 deaths, num- officials have raised con- ternational aid group Mede-
lion people over a year af- found Haiti’s government bers that experts believe are cern about the AstraZeneca cins Sans Frontieres. “For the
ter the pandemic began, misappropriated more than underreported. vaccine, which has recently moment, there is not enough
raising concerns among $1 million worth of corona- Perceptions also remain a big come under scrutiny in Eu- research and documentation
health experts that the virus aid. The report also ac- challenge. rope after a very small num- to explain why some coun-
well-being of Haitians is cused government officials of While face masks remain ber of people who received tries were less affected by se-
being pushed aside as vio- spending $34 million in the mandatory at Haiti busi- it developed unusual blood vere COVID-19 cases.”
lence and political insta- “greatest opacity,” bypassing nesses, airport closures and clots. Meanwhile, it’s unclear ex-
bility across the country an agency charged with ap- curfews have long since been “We can receive the vac- actly when the country’s first
deepen. proving state contracts. lifted, and other precautions cine and then discover with vaccines, via COVAX, will ar-
Lauré Adrien, general direc- are rare. a heavy heart that the stocks rive.
So far, Haiti is slated to re- tor of Haiti’s Health Minis- “People don’t really believe expired a couple of months Haiti is among 92 low-in-
ceive only 756,000 doses try, blamed the vaccine delay in the coronavirus,” said Es- later because no one wanted come countries expected to
of the AstraZeneca vaccine on scrutiny of the AstraZen- ther Racine, a 26-year-old to be vaccinated,” Adrien receive them. It’s also among
through a United Nations eca shots and concerns that mother of two boys whose said. dozens that will be affected
program aimed at ensuring the country lacks the neces- father died in the catastrophic Among those in Haiti who by last week’s announcement
the neediest countries get sary infrastructure to ensure 2010 earthquake. say they will not be vacci- of a suspension of deliveries
COVID-19 shots. The free proper vaccine storage, add- Racine once worked as a maid nated is Dorcelus Perkin, a in March and April of doses
doses were scheduled to ar- ing that his agency prefers a but began selling face masks brick factory owner. On a made for the program by the
rive in May at the latest, but single-dose vaccine. Astra- at the beginning of the pan- recent morning, the 60-year- Serum Institute of India – the
delays are expected because Zeneca requires two doses. demic, making brisk business old supervised more than a world’s largest vaccine maker
Haiti missed a deadline and “It’s no secret that we don’t with some 800 sales a month. dozen employees working – amid a spike of coronavirus
the key Indian manufacturer have excellent conservation Now, she barely sells 200. outdoors. No one was wear- cases in India.
is now prioritizing an in- facilities,” he said. “We want- “Look around,” she said, ing any personal protective When the shots do become
crease in domestic demand. ed to be sure that we had all waving at a maskless crowd equipment. available, experts acknowl-
“Haiti has only recently com- the parameters under control bustling around her in down- “We can’t wear masks in the edge it will be a struggle to
pleted some of the essential before we received vaccine town Port-au-Prince. The sun. We would be suffocat- get them into arms.
documentation that are pre- stocks.” only customers nowadays ing,” he said, adding that the They would have to convince
requisites for processing of Adrien also noted all the are those who need a mask to sun kills the virus, something Haitians like Duperval Ger-
a shipping order,” said Gavi, money his agency received enter a nearby grocery store, scientists have not proven. main, a 55-year-old carpenter
the Vaccine Alliance, a Gene- has been properly spent, but she said, adding that Haitians Perkin also credited drinking who said neither he nor his
va-based public-private part- said he could not speak for have other problems on their a traditional green tea mixed children will be getting a vac-
nership that is co-managing other agencies. A presiden- mind: “People worry more with salt every day for his cine. He worries about fall-
the U.N.-backed COVAX tial spokesman did not return about violence than the vi- good health: “I believe more ing ill from it and not being
effort. calls for comment. rus.” in these remedies than the able to receive proper medi-
The country also didn’t apply Many poorer countries have vaccines. I don’t know what’s cal care.
for a pilot program in which experienced long waits in Ongoing protests and a spike in the inside of these vac- “All these heads of state who
it would have received some getting COVAX vaccines as in kidnappings and gang-re- cines.” have been here, any time
of its allotted doses early, ac- richer countries snapped up lated killings have some won- International groups are be- they get sick, they all fly out
cording to the Pan American supplies, though most have dering how any vaccine will hind most of the resources of here,” he said. “If we get
Health Organization. How- received at least an initial be administered given the and educational campaigns sick, where would we go?
ever, a spokeswoman com- shipment. Some took matters lack of stability coupled with related to COVID-19 in They can keep (the vaccines)
mended its other pandemic into their own hands, secur- a growing number of people Haiti, with the Pan American to themselves. Use it in plac-
efforts, including reinforcing ing shots through donations afraid to leave their homes. Health Organization provid- es that need it. Haiti doesn’t
hospital preparedness. and private deals. Many also fear being inocu- ing the government 10,000 need the vaccine.”