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A32     sports
                     Diabierna 9 aPriL 2021

                           AP source: NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5, then himself

            (AP) — The gunman who                                                                                               doctor  in  Rock  Hill,  board-
            killed  five  people  includ-                                                                                       certified  in  both  emergency
            ing a prominent doctor in                                                                                           medicine  and  occupational
            South  Carolina  was  for-                                                                                          medicine  and  serving  as
            mer  NFL  player  Phillip                                                                                           emergency department med-
            Adams, who killed himself                                                                                           ical  director  for  nearly  15
            early  Thursday,  accord-                                                                                           years  at  Rock  Hill  General
            ing  to  a  person  who  was                                                                                        Hospital,  according  to  his
            briefed  on  the  investiga-                                                                                        website.
            tion.                                                                                                               He founded two urgent care
                                                                                                                                centers in the area and wrote
            This  person,  who  spoke  on                                                                                       a weekly medical column for
            condition  of  anonymity  be-                                                                                       The Charlotte Observer. He
            cause  he  wasn’t  authorized                                                                                       also  wrote  a  book,  “Angels
            to speak publicly, said Adams’                                                                                      in  the  ER,”  collecting  what
            parents live near the doctor’s                                                                                      he  termed  “inspiring  true
            home in Rock Hill, and that                                                                                         stories” from his time in the
            he  had  been  treated  by  the                                                                                     emergency department.
            doctor. He said Adams killed                                                                                        “I know without a doubt that
            himself after midnight with a                                                                                       life is fragile,” Lesslie wrote,
            .45-caliber weapon.                                                                                                 according  to  an  excerpt.  “I
            The  York  County  Sheriff’s                                                                                        have come to understand that
            Office said they had searched                                                                                       humility may be the greatest
            for hours before finding the                                                                                        virtue.  And  I  am  convinced
            suspect in a nearby home.                                                                                           we need to take the time to
            Dr.  Robert  Lesslie,  70,  and   blamed football for problems  pull  into  the  Adams’  drive-  planned news conference.  say the things we deeply feel
            his wife, Barbara Lesslie, 69,   that may have led his son to  way.  She  said  law  enforce-  “We  have  found  the  person  to the people we deeply care
            were  pronounced  dead  at   commit  Wednesday’s  vio-    ment quickly surrounded the  we believe is responsible and  about.”
            the  scene  along  with  grand-  lence.                   house  and  then  spent  hours  we are with him at this time  Faris  said  Lesslie  was  very
            children Adah Lesslie, 9, and   “I can say he’s a good kid, he  negotiating with Adams, us-  and that’s all I can say about  well known in the Rock Hill
            Noah  Lesslie,  5,  the  York   was  a  good  kid,  and  I  think  ing a loudspeaker and send-  the suspect,” Faris said, add-  community.
            County coroner’s office said.  the football messed him up,”  ing  in  a  robot  to  scan  the  ing  that  they  had  no  reason  “Dr.  Lesslie  was  my  doc-
            A man who had been work-     Alonzo Adams told WCNC-      house.  She  said  authorities  to believe anyone else was in-  tor  growing  up,”  Faris  said.
            ing at the home, James Lewis,   TV. “He didn’t talk much and  repeatedly  asked  Adams  to  volved.  “We  are  currently  at  “Dr. Lesslie has been one of
            38, from Gaston, was found   he didn’t bother nobody.”    come  out,  and  promised  to  his house and we are serving  those  people  that  everybody
            shot  to  death  outside,  and  a   Faris said early Thursday that  get  his  disabled  mother  out  a search warrant.”  knows. He started Riverview
            sixth  person  was  hospital-  deputies  were  called  around  safely,  before  Adams  shot  Later  Thursday,  a  few  sher-  Medical Center in Rock Hill
            ized  with  “serious  gunshot   4:45  p.m.  Wednesday  to  the  himself.               iff’s  deputies  were  posted  and it’s been a staple in Rock
            wounds,” York County Sher-   Lesslies’  home,  and  evacu-  “This  is  something  I  can’t  near the Lesslie home, which  Hill for years.”
            iff’s  Office’s  spokesperson   ated  the  neighbors  as  they  grasp yet. I can’t put it all to-  is far beyond an arched stone  A biography page said he and
            Trent Faris said.            spent  hours  searching  for  a  gether and I’m trying to, and  gate, up a long paved drive-  his wife raised four children,
            Adams, 33, played in 78 NFL   suspect with police dogs be-  I witnessed it,” Hope said. “I  way  and  not  visible  from  and that Lesslie received his
            games  over  five  seasons  for   fore finding him in a nearby  feel bad for him because if it  the road. The Adams home,  degree  at  the  Medical  Uni-
            six  teams.  A  safety  and  spe-  home.                  was mental or something go-  roughly  a  mile  down  the  versity of South Carolina.
            cial teams player from South   Allison  Hope,  who  lives  ing on in his life or whatever,  road,  is  a  modest,  one-story  Rock Hill is a city in north-
            Carolina State, he joined the   across  the  road,  said  police  you  know,  he  needed  help,  brick house with several cars  ernmost   South   Carolina
            49ers  in  2010  as  a  seventh-  allowed  her  to  return  home  and that’s the sad part.”  in the driveway.       about  25  miles  (40  kilome-
            round draft pick.            around  9  p.m.  Wednesday,  Faris  provided  few  details  Lesslie  had  worked  for  de-  ters) southwest of Charlotte,
            Rarely  a  starter,  Adams  also   just before she saw a vehicle  early  Thursday  ahead  of  a  cades as an emergency room  North Carolina.
            was with New England, Se-
            attle,  Oakland  and  the  New
            York Jets, finishing his career
            with  the  Atlanta  Falcons  in
            As  a  rookie  late  in  the  2010
            season,  Adams  suffered  a
            severe  ankle  injury  that  re-
            quired surgery that included
            several screws being inserted
            into the leg. He never played
            for  the  49ers  again,  get-
            ting  released  just  before  the
            2011 season began and sign-
            ing  with  New  England.  He
            moved  next  to  the  Raiders,
            where he had 2 concussions
            in a 3-game period in 2012.
            Whether  Adams  suffered
            long-lasting  injuries  from
            his  concussions  as  a  player
            wasn’t  immediately  clear.
            Adams would not have been
            eligible for testing as part of a
            broad settlement between the
            league and its former players
            over  such  injuries,  because
            he hadn’t retired by 2014.
            Adams’  father  told  a  Char-
            lotte television station that he
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