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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 9 aPriL 2021

                               Ex-Florida State football player accused of killing man

            (AP) — A former Florida                                                                                             The case now goes to a grand
            State  football  player  was                                                                                        jury.  Judge  Charles  Burton
            involved in a scuffle with                                                                                          on  Thursday  forbade  Ru-
            his  girlfriend  hours  be-                                                                                         dolph from contacting any of
            fore  he  fatally  shot  one                                                                                        the victims or their families.
            man and injured another,                                                                                            Rudolph  told  the  judge  he
            according to an arrest af-                                                                                          intends to hire an attorney.
            fidavit released Thursday.
                                                                                                                                Rudolph  was  Florida  State’s
            Travis  Rudolph,  25,  was  or-                                                                                     leading receiver in 2015 and
            dered to remain in jail during                                                                                      2016. He left the team early
            a first appearance hearing in                                                                                       to  enter  the  NFL  draft  in
            West Palm Beach on Thurs-                                                                                           2017.  He  eventually  signed
            day  morning.  He’s  charged                                                                                        with  the  New  York  Giants
            with  one  count  of  first-de-                                                                                     and  then  the  Miami  Dol-
            gree murder and three counts                                                                                        phins.  He  also  spent  time
            of  attempted  first-degree                                                                                         with  the  Winnipeg  Blue
            murder.                                                                                                             Bombers  of  the  Canadian
                                                                                                                                Football  League.  The  team
            Deputies detailed the shoot-                                                                                        released him Wednesday.
            ing  in  an  affidavit  released                                                                                    He gained national attention
            by  the  Palm  Beach  County                                                                                        in 2016 when a video of him
            Sheriff’s  Office.  Investiga-                                                                                      eating lunch with an autistic
            tors said Rudolph’s girlfriend                                                                                      student during a team visit at
            told  them  she  called  a  male                                                                                    a  Tallahassee  middle  school
            friend  following  the  scuffle  fight broke out, the affidavit  with a rifle after they got back  inside the vehicle and an in-  went  viral.  Rudolph’s  father
            Wednesday.  The  friend  and  said.  A  witness  told  investi-  in their car and began to drive  jured  man  outside  the  car.  died  a  year  later  after  a  gun
            three  other  men  then  went  gators  that  Rudolph  ran  af-  away.                  Authorities arrested Rudolph  accidentally  discharged  at  a
            to Rudolph’s home, where a  ter the men and shot at them  Deputies  found  a  man  dead  a short time later.        West Palm Beach strip club.

                      UEFA tells match officials seeking

                              autographs unacceptable

                                                                                                           Hulkenberg joins F1

                                                                                                       team Aston Martin as its

                                                                                                                 reserve driver

                                                                                                      (AP) — Nico Hulkenberg has joined Aston Mar-
                                                                                                      tin as its reserve driver for this season, the For-
                                                                                                      mula One team said Thursday.

                                                                                                      The  33-year-old  German  drove  in  two  races  for  the
                                                                                                      team last season when it was called Racing Point, re-
                                                                                                      placing Sergio Perez and then Lance Stroll after they
                                                                                                      tested positive for the coronavirus.
            (AP) — UEFA has told match officials it  ing,  respectful  and  professional,”  Rosetti
            is unacceptable and undignified to seek  wrote Wednesday in correspondence first re-      Aston  Martin’s  drivers  this  year  are  Stroll  and  four-
            autographs  from  players,  after  a  ref-  ported by British broadcaster Sky Sports and   time F1 champion Sebastian Vettel.
            eree’s assistant asked Erling Haaland to  verified by UEFA.                               “The team knows it can rely on me to step in and do
            sign red and yellow cards after Borussia                                                  an excellent job, and I’m fully prepared to take on that
            Dortmund’s Champions League game at  “If you want to be respected as much as the          challenge,”  said  Hulkenberg,  who  will  also  help  the
            Manchester City.                           players,  why  would  you  ask  for  their  auto-  team as a development driver.
                                                       graph or their shirt? Do they ask you for the
            UEFA’s chief refereeing officer Roberto Ro-  same? This is simply unacceptable, this is a   Hulkenberg started in F1 in 2010 but dropped out of
            setti wrote to refereeing teams after the inci-  matter of dignity and don’t forget about the   the series at the end of 2019 after losing his seat at Re-
            dent in the tunnel in Manchester on Tuesday  number of TV cameras at UEFA matches —       nault.
            night was caught on camera as the players left  they catch everything.”
            the field following Dortmund’s 2-1 loss.   It  was  later  reported  in  his  native  Romania   He took pole position in the rain at the Brazilian Grand
            “UEFA  has  strived  to  get  you  respected  as  that Octavian Sovre, the referee’s assistant at   Prix in his first season, but has never finished higher
            much as the players and you have helped with  City, wanted the signed cards to raise funds   than fourth in 179 races.
            that by looking the part: athletic, command-  for an autism center.
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