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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 13 June 2020
            Police disciplinary records are largely kept secret in U.S.

            Continued from Front                                                                                                the New York Civil Liberties
                                                                                                                                Union, rejected the notion,
            While  the  U.S.  considers                                                                                         advanced  largely  by  Re-
            ways  to  reform  American                                                                                          publicans,  that  police  dis-
            policing  following  the  so-                                                                                       ciplinary records should be
            metimes  violent  protests                                                                                          kept  private  like  medical
            that  erupted  nationwide                                                                                           information.
            over  Floyd’s  death  in  Min-                                                                                      “They  have  no  privacy  in-
            neapolis,  complaint  data                                                                                          terest  in  acts  of  miscon-
            is  getting  renewed  atten-                                                                                        duct, in the use of force or
            tion as a way to track and                                                                                          the  killing  of  civilians,”  he
            correct rogue officers and                                                                                          said.  “When  a  police  of-
            perhaps head off more se-                                                                                           ficer  walks  out  the  door  in
            rious instances of brutality.                                                                                       uniform,  they’re  a  public
            Both  Democratic    and                                                                                             official, and all of their con-
            Republican  reform  bills  in                                                                                       duct  should  be  subject  to
            Congress  would  make  of-                                                                                          public scrutiny.”
            ficers’  disciplinary  records                                                                                      In  Philadelphia,  Pownall’s
            public and create a natio-                                                                                          record  was  made  public
            nal  database  of  allegati-                                                                                        along  with  that  of  a  few
            ons — a shift in political will                                                                                     other  officers  named  in
            that didn’t exist just a few                                                                                        hundreds of complaints af-
            years ago. Police advoca-                                                                                           ter  reporters  filed  freedom
            tes argue that withholding   In this May 13, 2019, file photo New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo leaves his house in   of  information  requests  in
            allegations  is  necessary  to   Staten Island, N.Y.                                                                2018.  As  for  Chauvin,  who
            protect  officers’  privacy                                                                        Associated Press  is  charged  with  murder  in
            and  keep  them  safe.  Po-  24%  were  substantiated,  nel  file  full  of  “frightfully  had  eight  disciplinary  ca-  Floyd’s  death,  his  records
            lice  unions  have  fought  in   according  to  the  city’s  in-  similar”  complaints  from  ses  of  abuse  and  exces-  became public after similar
            contract negotiations and    dependent  Civilian  Com-    women  of  sexual  miscon-   sive  force,  four  of  which  requests — and the details
            in state legislatures for con-  plaint Review Board.      duct.  It  wasn’t  until  his  file  were substantiated. But his  are still being withheld.
            fidentiality.  In  some  cases,   Bowling  Green  State  Uni-  was  leaked  to  a  local  TV  record  was  secret  until  a  Many departments disclose
            records are erased after as   versity   criminologist   Phil  station  that  he  faced  any  staff member at the review  portions  of  officers’  com-
            little as two years.         Stinson, who has collected  discipline.                   board leaked it. The staffer  plaint  files.  Some  release
            “The unfettered release of   data  on  thousands  of  po-  Around 40% of current New  later resigned.               files  only  for  certain  time
            police  personnel  records   lice  charged,  investigated  York  City  police  officers  New  York  legislators  this  periods.  Some  withhold
            will  allow  unstable  people   or convicted of crimes, said  have  never  received  a  ci-  week  voted to repeal the  complaints  if  the  internal
            to  target  police  officers   that most officers go throu-  vilian complaint, while 32%  law  that kept officers’ na-  investigation  did  not  sub-
            and  our  families  for  ha-  gh  their  careers  with  few  have one or two, and one  mes secret along with spe-   stantiate them. Others, like
            rassment  or  worse,”  said   complaints  against  them,  officer  has  52,  the  highest,  cifics  about  complaints  many  Texas  departments,
            Patrick Lynch, head of the   and that generally a small  according  to  the  review  made against them. The re-     hold  back  cases  that  did
            Patrolmen’s    Benevolent    percentage of officers ac-   board.                       peal  passed  largely  along  not result in a suspension or
            Association  in  New  York   count  for  an  outsize  share  In New York, Pantaleo, the  party  lines,  and  Democra-  firing. But in most cases, the
            City.  “A  dangerous  cop-   of complaints.               officer who put Garner in a  tic  Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  information is released only
            hater  only  needs  a  police   Stinson recalled an Atlanta  chokehold in 2014 but was  signed it Friday.           if  the  person  requesting  it
            officer’s name, linked to a   officer  who  had  a  person-  not  indicted  in  his  death,  Chris Dunn, legal director of  names the officer.q
            few false or frivolous com-
            plaints,  to  be  inspired  to   Rhode Island is asked to strip ‘Plantations’ from true name
            commit violence.”
            Personal information on of-
            ficers is already being lea-  By WILLIAM J. KOLE          tual ballot question this No-
            ked  online,  according  to   Associated Press            vember. "In no way am I try-
            an  intelligence  document   PROVIDENCE,  R.I.  (AP)  —  ing to erase history. But we
            from  the  U.S.  Department   The  smallest  U.S.  state  has  shouldn't glorify our shame-
            of Homeland Security, ob-    the  longest  name,  and  it's  ful  past,"  Tyson  Pianka,  a
            tained  by  The  Associated   not sitting well with some in  University  of  Rhode  Island
            Press.                       the George Floyd era.        sophomore who organized
            Police  unions  argue,  too,   Officially, Rhode Island was  the petition drive, said in an
            that   the   overwhelming    incorporated  as  The  State  interview.  "I've  been  trying
            majority of complaints are   of Rhode Island and Provi-   to find a place where I can
            deemed  unsubstantiated      dence  Plantations  when  make a difference," said Pi-
            after  internal  investiga-  it  declared  statehood  in  anka, 20, who is half black.
            tions.  But  that  argument   1790.   Now,   opponents  "Now is a perfect time to do
            carries  no  weight  with  the   have  revived  an  effort  to  it."  Name  alterations  have
            many activists who say po-   lop  off  the  plantations  ref-  been attempted before —
            lice  departments  tend  to   erence,  saying  it  evokes  most recently in 2010, when   In this May 1, 2020 file photo, James Dunn stands outside the
            protect their own.           the legacy of slavery.       nearly  eight  in  10  voters   statehouse in Providence, R.I. with a handmade sign.
            Out  of  about  5,000  com-  An  online  petition  aims  to  rejected  the  shorter  name                                       Associated Press
            plaints  brought  against    ask the state to shorten the  in  a  referendum.  But  sup-  death and calls for an end  of a white Minneapolis po-
            New  York  City  officers  last   name to just Rhode Island,  porters  say  they're  feeling  to  racial  injustice.  Floyd,  lice  officer  who  pressed  a
            year  for  offenses  such  as   a  nonbinding  campaign  a  fresh  sense  of  urgency  who was black, was hand-     knee into his neck long af-
            discourtesy,  excessive  for-  intended  to  generate  mo-  and  determination  as  the  cuffed  when  he  died  on  ter he pleaded for air and
            ce and abuse of authority,   mentum  toward  an  even-    nation reckons with Floyd's  Memorial Day at the hands  then went limp.q
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