Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200613
P. 26
Saturday 13 June 2020
CDC posts long-awaited tips for minimizing everyday risk
By MIKE STOBBE ganization hasn't offered
AP Medical Writer specific advice to people
NEW YORK (AP) — Take trying to decide how to
the stairs, not the elevator, safely do things like take
down from your hotel room. vacations, get their nails
Encourage people to bring done, host barbecues, visit
their own food and drinks a bank or library, go out to
to your cookout. Use hand eat or exercise at a gym.
sanitizer after banking at Other organizations have
an ATM. Call ahead to res- been trying to fill the void,
taurants and nail salons to and some have addressed
make sure staff are wear- questions the CDC didn't.
ing face coverings. And no New York City's health
high-fives — or even elbow department this week re-
bumps — at the gym. leased guidelines for hav-
These are some of the tips ing sex during the corona-
in long-awaited guidance virus outbreak. The depart-
from U.S. health officials ment advised people to
about how to reduce risk have sex only with those
of coronavirus infection who are close to them, and
for Americans who are at- not with multiple partners.
tempting some semblance It also suggested washing
of normal life. hands before sex, wearing
The Centers for Disease In this May 21, 2020 file photo, Kevin Gonzales, director of operations at the Rajen Kilachand a mask during it, and said
Control and Prevention Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering, at Boston University, places safe distancing "be creative with sexual po-
floor markings near an elevator on the school's campus, in Boston.
posted the guidelines Fri- Associated Press sitions and physical barriers,
day, along with a second like walls, that allow sexual
set for organizing and at- overdue, some health ex- sions. There's nothing about Stay-at-home orders, contact while preventing
tending big gatherings perts say. Julia Marcus, a precautions to take before school shutdowns and busi- close face to face con-
such as concerts, sporting Harvard Medical School in- going to church, no guid- ness closings were followed tact." The CDC's director,
events, protests and po- fectious disease researcher, ance about dating and sex by a national flattening in Dr. Robert Redfield, called
litical rallies. But the guide- has likened stay-at-home and no explicit advice on the rate of new cases. In his agency's new guidelines
lines are "not intended to suggestions to "abstinence- a topic that some doctors recent weeks, many states "common sense sugges-
endorse any particular only" messaging and has say they get asked all the have started reopening as tions," not mandates. State
type of event," the CDC's pressed for advice to help time: Is it OK to take the kids they face pressure to get or local governments may
Dr. Jay Butler said in a Fri- people minimize risk. She to visit grandparents? the pandemic-damaged want to reimpose stricter
day call with reporters. said she was delighted by "Visiting grandma is some- economy going again. measures if new outbreaks
The staging and atten- the CDC's tips. thing I must address three And cases are rising in occur, but that's a call for
dance of such events "I think it's a huge step in times a week," said Dr. Wil- nearly half the states, ac- them to make, CDC offi-
should be in accordance the right direction," Marcus liam Schaffner, a Vander- cording to an Associated cials said.
with what local health of- said. "These guidelines are bilt University infectious dis- Press analysis. The guidelines repeat ear-
ficials are advising, based really directed toward or- ease expert. "My empathy The CDC has put out many lier advice about wearing
on much the coronavirus dinary Americans trying to goes out to the CDC. It's sets of guidelines, including face coverings, especially
is spreading in a particular make decisions about risk very, very difficult to have some for churches, camps, if it's difficult to keep at
community, he added. every day." a precise answer for every schools and transit agen- least 6 feet away from oth-
The guidelines are long But there are notable omis- circumstance," he added. cies. But until now, the or- er people.q
Atlantic City OKs booze on the Boardwalk to boost crowds
Searching for ways to boost the streets designated with acted a few weeks ago al-
business and tourism amid orange markings in the Mo- lowing towns to temporarily
the coronavirus pandemic nopoly board game. serve alcohol for consump-
in a resort whose casinos "It's the Bourbon Street vibe tion in designated public
remain closed and restau- we're going for," said Pat areas during the pandem-
rants still can't offer indoor Fasano, who owns a res- ic. Several towns have tak-
dining, the city dropped taurant on the Boardwalk en advantage of it.
a longtime prohibition on and another just off it on Atlantic City has long want-
drinking on the Boardwalk New York Avenue. ed to allow people to take
to try to capture the party He and other merchants beer and cocktails onto its
spirit of places like New Or- said offering to-go drinks will Boardwalk as part of the
leans. Mayor Marty Small is- help businesses that were long association of the
sued an executive order on devastated by virus-related iconic place with strong
Monday allowing for pub- closures since March. drink: The introduction of
lic consumption of alcohol "Having the ability to sell the hit HBO series "Board-
In this Sept. 27, 2017, file photo, casinos give backdrop as men in a few areas including drinks to go is definitely walk Empire," about cor-
ride bicycles along the boardwalk in Atlantic City, N.J. the Boardwalk, the non- helpful because: Who's in ruption in the seaside resort
Associated Press residential areas of Gard- the bars now? No one," he during prohibition, ended
By WAYNE PARRY right about now, and start- ner's Basin, and some local said. "You go from 100 to with hundreds of bottles
Associated Press ing Friday they'll be able to streets just off the Board- zero during the pandemic." of bootleg liquor wash-
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — do it while strolling the At- walk in an area known as The move stems from a ing up on Atlantic City's
Many folks could use a drink lantic City Boardwalk. the "Orange Loop" after measure New Jersey en- shoreline.q